Author Topic: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: Game of the Year, EVERY YEAR  (Read 39075 times)

Offline max_cady

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #90 on: June 11, 2012, 01:23:08 pm »
Damn, I hear you guys talking about VF5 FS. I restarted playing VF 5 because of that.

There's some nice stuff on the Item Pack on XBLA but it's nothing that even comes close to what on this new iteration.

Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #91 on: June 11, 2012, 04:12:54 pm »
The customization is mind-numbing and quite great. The main problem with it though is you typically have 5 base costumes that you can modify within constraints. Some costumes accept any pants/skirt/dress, but the top/shirt is only a texture swap of the base design. Still, it's way better than just 5-12 pre-made costumes.

I bought the first $15 pack and made a few funny costumes with Sarah, Aoi, and Akira. Looking forward to making more.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #92 on: June 11, 2012, 05:29:21 pm »
Yeah, I hear ya. The original VF 5 had only about 4 base costumes, though apart from Hair, Make-up, Eye and such, most of the other changes were minimal.

I'm playing with Vanessa on VF5's Quest and her Type D is actually one of my favorites. I can't beleive how fashion-sensitive I've become with games like VF 5 and Resonance of Fate, for that matter.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #93 on: June 11, 2012, 06:09:17 pm »
So who has everyone picked up to use in this game? I thought I would be using Wolf the entire time I was waiting for this game, but in the end I've actually been using Goh the most. He's changed a fair bit since vanilla and I think he suits my style a bit more. I still use Wolf as a secondary character though.

Goh really appealed to me with his hard hitting strikes and his brutal throws. In particular his chain throws from Tsukami are useful, just because theres so many ways to land the grab. b,f+pk, p, then can lead into either a mid, high or Tsukami for example, or you can just use b+p+g+k, p+g which will deflect punches and lead to the grab, or even just move you in range.

His long range pokes are good as well, b,f+k has huge range and comes out really fast, AND counters mid kicks which leads to a crumple state.

Offline SOUP

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #94 on: June 11, 2012, 06:20:24 pm »
I've mostly been using El Blaze. I like his fighting style a lot, and I'd like to put the work into getting decent with at least one character.

Other than that, I'll usually play as Vanessa Lewis and Brad Burns. Her huge moveset's a bit intimidating, but I really like her fighting style too.

Taka-Arashi has been a pretty pleasant surprise too.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #95 on: June 11, 2012, 06:40:20 pm »
Vanessa's ussually a good character to use in Virtua Fighter, especially if you're unfamiliar with the franchise and want an easy character to pick up and play.

Akira surprised me for being actually pretty heavy to handle. Almost as if Ryo Hazuki was carrying around a vest full of lead all the time. It's the exact opposite of Eileen and Vanessa. Less movement, strike only when necessary.

Jeffry, yikes, there are a couple of moves he uses that almost take half the life bar in one go. Same with Wolf.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #96 on: June 11, 2012, 08:24:57 pm »
I've mostly been using El Blaze. I like his fighting style a lot, and I'd like to put the work into getting decent with at least one character.

I've been playing a friend on XBL who has a really good El-Blaze. I found the biggest problems I had with fighting Blaze was his mix-ups. Rocket discharge can lead into a throw, low (low dropkick), and mid attacks (dropkick, flying forearm). Not to mention the forearm and dropkick I think can break your guard, AND dropkick can go right into another Rocket Discharge upon landing. I've found that jumping attacks have had good success for the most part against this, or evading (but my evade timing is rubbish at the moment).

I would also advise making good use of his spin (I think it's F+P+G+K) where he spin-jumps and can land with a move or throw (including his back-throw, which is hard to predict). This is especially useful after a knockdown as it's hard to use the right rising attack/roll to escape a move.

Offline segaismysavior

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #97 on: June 12, 2012, 02:10:34 am »
I started with Sarah cause her style makes the most sense to me since she's quick and not too flashy. I don't think I'll ever play a heavy character, and I have yet to really play any of the characters that entered the fold after VF2.

I'd like to try Lei-Fei, cause he seems ridiculously quick and hard to read.

Offline SOUP

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #98 on: June 12, 2012, 11:11:30 am »
Thanks so much for the tips. Again, I'm just learning the Virtua Fighter ropes, so the help is really appreciated.
I'm a really big fan of that dropkick of his. The backwards cartwheel kick he does is a nice way to get out of a jam too.

I have no idea how to do that thing where you parry incoming strikes though. I've run into a few people online who will push a punch out of the way and end up behind me. No clue how it's done.
That, and I just can't get the timing down on offensive moves. These may be the same things, I really don't know.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #99 on: June 12, 2012, 07:53:17 pm »
Thanks so much for the tips. Again, I'm just learning the Virtua Fighter ropes, so the help is really appreciated.
I'm a really big fan of that dropkick of his. The backwards cartwheel kick he does is a nice way to get out of a jam too.

I have no idea how to do that thing where you parry incoming strikes though. I've run into a few people online who will push a punch out of the way and end up behind me. No clue how it's done.
That, and I just can't get the timing down on offensive moves. These may be the same things, I really don't know.

No problem, I'm not really an authority on VF, I'm still learning myself after all but always love to talk about it and offer any advice I can. I forgot about his cartwheel, but that's really useful too.

In regards to parrying strikes, are you talking about any one character in particular? It's not really a universal move like an evade, but a lot of characters have counters that deflect punches. I've mentioned that Goh has one (b+p+k+g) that deflects punches and can follow into a throw. I know El Blaze also has one (I think it's f+p+k+g, but not certain. Check his movelist to make sure, it's the one where he spins and moves forward.).

This move deflects punches, and has a bunch of followups from memory. The thing with moves like this is, it's almost impossible to do them on reaction, so you can't try to wait and react. You'll instead need to predict the opponent going for that attack and input the counter accordingly (if you are constantly getting punches countered, it might be a sign that you're falling into a pattern that the other guy can read).

Wolf has a particularly useful one with his R.A.W. (Real American Wrestling!) counter that works on both high punches and kicks and leads into a couple of nasty throws, the timing for it is pretty tough from my experience though.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #100 on: June 13, 2012, 02:08:36 am »
Thanks so much for the tips. Again, I'm just learning the Virtua Fighter ropes, so the help is really appreciated.
I'm a really big fan of that dropkick of his. The backwards cartwheel kick he does is a nice way to get out of a jam too.

I have no idea how to do that thing where you parry incoming strikes though. I've run into a few people online who will push a punch out of the way and end up behind me. No clue how it's done.
That, and I just can't get the timing down on offensive moves. These may be the same things, I really don't know.

I think you're referring to a "defensive move" (or 'evasive move?). It's a tip that comes up on some of the loading screens. It says to press up or down at the time of a strike.

It comes out at random for me. Haven't mastered the game to the point where I can pull it off at will (others have done it on me though). One thing's for sure as soon as it's done, you're wide open.

Offline SOUP

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #101 on: June 13, 2012, 12:01:59 pm »
Thanks guys.
I was going through the command tutorial with El Blaze, and there was something along the lines of hitting P+K+G during a sidestep or something like that. I'll just have to keep at it.

Good to know that not every character parries in the same way though. I thought I was really missing out on something.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #102 on: June 15, 2012, 12:30:20 pm »
I'm planning on getting this soon. Virtua Fighter is a one of the games I'm terrible at but I have a blast playing it. My favorite characters to use are Sarah Bryant, Jeffry McWild and Aoi Umenokoji. What system did you get this game for MadeMan? I'd like to try playing against you if I can.  :)
Unlimited Continues:

For this edition of Unlimited Continues I share five of my favorite video game ninjas, three of which are SEGA characters!

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #103 on: June 15, 2012, 07:13:26 pm »
I'm planning on getting this soon. Virtua Fighter is a one of the games I'm terrible at but I have a blast playing it. My favorite characters to use are Sarah Bryant, Jeffry McWild and Aoi Umenokoji. What system did you get this game for MadeMan? I'd like to try playing against you if I can.  :)
I've got it on Xbox 360. I was originally considering getting it for PS3 as well to play some people on this forum, but inter-continental online play was pretty sketchy when I had a match against Sanus so I'm not sure if I will.

I'm heading to a Final Showdown tournament today, wish me luck!

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Virtua Fighter 5 FS: If you don't buy this you hate Sega.
« Reply #104 on: June 15, 2012, 07:26:31 pm »
I've got it on Xbox 360. I was originally considering getting it for PS3 as well to play some people on this forum, but inter-continental online play was pretty sketchy when I had a match against Sanus so I'm not sure if I will.

I'm heading to a Final Showdown tournament today, wish me luck!

Somewhere in video game land, Wolf is looking at you teary eyed, recalling the good times before you left him for Goh as your tournament partner.

ESIT: And good luck!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 08:09:57 pm by Aki-at »