I'd also like to add, just look at the excitement from SEGA themselves. Go to SEGA's official blog and see how many posts there are for Binary Domain, only 12. There is no one in SEGA's blogging staff that is drumming up any excitement for it, Sonic 4 Episode 2 already has 11 posts! Valkyria Chronicles all have more than Binary Domain and its more than likely Binary Domain will not break past 20 posts.
Blog posts are not an important part of marketing at all, but it does show even more the apathy SEGA West has for this title.
Also, one day before the european release, they were more worried in talk about the Sonic 4 trailer and Jet Set Radio trailer. Reallly, both Sonic 4 and JSR are still far from the release date, why they chose the day before the release date for BD to talk about those games? And in the day for the american release, they were talking about the grafitti contest for JSR.
Everything about the marketing for Binary Domain was so strange that is hard to understand. I saw a dude on twitter saying that, he works in a game place and he said that they have very few copies of BD because nobody did a pre-order, so they was like "all right, this game will bomb, let's not stock too much copies". This is the only reason i can see, two months before the release the pre-orders was like 200 or 300 copies, so SEGA just gave up the game. I'm not saying this is right, but is the only reason i can find.
Ah, and Barry, i was not joking on the comments section, you guys really did a better job in the marketing than SEGA did. SEGA should hire SEGABits people for the marketing.