Author Topic: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive  (Read 72051 times)

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #135 on: February 09, 2013, 03:57:04 pm »
If it weren't for the built-in user-base, it would be an Atari Jaguar. 

OOOOOOUUUUUUCH! That's some scathing shit right there. Kudos!
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #136 on: February 09, 2013, 04:25:29 pm »
I'm just saying, would it kill you to put yourself in someone else's shoes. 
I'm just being an asshole.
Okay serious answer; I don't see why a nintendo fan should be upset about other console owners playing the game. If the game was cancelled on Wii-U and then only came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, okay yeah I can see why they would be fuming, but being angry about other people being able to play their game?

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #137 on: February 09, 2013, 05:11:46 pm »
I'm just being an asshole.
Okay serious answer; I don't see why a nintendo fan should be upset about other console owners playing the game. If the game was cancelled on Wii-U and then only came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, okay yeah I can see why they would be fuming, but being angry about other people being able to play their game?

The outrage isn't that the game is coming to multiple consoles; that's great.  I'm not a fan of console exclusives either.  When Jet Set Radio Future and Orta came out as xbox exclusives I was livid.  What's upsetting is the fact that the game is complete and is being delayed till september for a simultaneous launch with the ps3/360 versions effectively nullifying its feb. 26th(2.5 weeks from now) release date.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #138 on: February 09, 2013, 05:24:08 pm »
Really, I don't have sympathy for people who drop money on new hardware for the promise of exclusives. The video game world is never absolute, stuff always gets delayed or cancelled or changed. I mean, the Wii U with the library it currently has is pretty weak. People should have based their decision to buy it on the games it has, not the games it potentially will have.

Take the Dreamcast as an example. Sure it had a lot of titles releasing down the line, but the initial 9-9-99 launch lineup was awesome and totally warranted a purchase. Dreamcast fans were screwed over with the occasional promised titles that were canned or lost exclusivity to the PS2, but there was still so many great games early on in the console's lifespan that it warranted a launch purchase.

Wii U, meanwhile, seems to rely more on promises than what it is actually delivering. Someday it'll have great exclusive titles, but that day has yet to come and I really don't feel sorry for people who had the money to spend on the console at launch. If anything, I have sympathy for the people waiting for the good games so they can pull the trigger and buy it. Unless Nintendo has the next big Zelda and/or Mario game planned for late 2013, Wii U is still not an appealing console.

Hell, I see Wii U owners talking about upcoming games and Lego City Undercover seems to be to only game they really have a firm impending release date for. That's not exciting!

Nintendo land is great.  Wiiu Mario brothers is great.  Sega Racing is great.  Playing Black Ops on the gamepad is supposedly a great experience.  Darksiders 2 and Assassins creed are also available.  Do you even remember the 360 launch line up?  Kameo?  Perfect Dark Zero?  It was pathetic.  The ps3's wasn't very compelling either.  Try to remember what an actual terrible launch line up was like before you accuse the wiiu of having one.   

I will say that its unfortunate that Nintendo is once again having trouble getting 3rd party devs to commit to the console.  It has been their achilles heel for generations.  Regardless, they are the only console developer in this day and age that is still dedicated to making fun games for players of all ages that are full of positive energy.  Surely that's not worth spitting on.  Sega used to have a similar philosophy.  Now it's all about games like Binary Domain, Yakuza, and Aliens.  Nintendo has been and still is dedicated to the quality of their titles and they are paying for it with a barren release schedule.  But you know what, it's usually worth it.  At least they don't release buggy, incomplete games to hit release dates like many other developers I could name.   

Offline Trippled

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #139 on: February 09, 2013, 06:59:30 pm »
Nintendo land is great.  Wiiu Mario brothers is great.  Sega Racing is great.  Playing Black Ops on the gamepad is supposedly a great experience.  Darksiders 2 and Assassins creed are also available.  Do you even remember the 360 launch line up?  Kameo?  Perfect Dark Zero?  It was pathetic.  The ps3's wasn't very compelling either.  Try to remember what an actual terrible launch line up was like before you accuse the wiiu of having one.   

I will say that its unfortunate that Nintendo is once again having trouble getting 3rd party devs to commit to the console.  It has been their achilles heel for generations.  Regardless, they are the only console developer in this day and age that is still dedicated to making fun games for players of all ages that are full of positive energy.  Surely that's not worth spitting on.  Sega used to have a similar philosophy.  Now it's all about games like Binary Domain, Yakuza, and Aliens.  Nintendo has been and still is dedicated to the quality of their titles and they are paying for it with a barren release schedule.  But you know what, it's usually worth it.  At least they don't release buggy, incomplete games to hit release dates like many other developers I could name.   

What? The 360 Launch was great in comparision to the Wii U. Kameo was a good game, and we got HD games from different varities to marvel at for the 1st time. Surely that's more exciting than the Wii U launch. And really multiplats are avaible on other consoles, if not better. Mario U and Nintendo Land aren't games to buy and hype the system for. One is a Minigame collection (not one with great variety, I might add) a good one, but is still just that. Mario is still essentially the same  New Super Mario Bros. game we saw 3 times before.

Also I would disagree with you on Sega sharing a similar philosophy to Nintendo. Sega I thought always made more games for the Hardcore gaming, teen and up market. Only Sonic Team own departures would apply to what you are talking about. Things such as Ristar, NiGHTS, Samba de Amigo, or hell even recently Rythm Thief. but that contadicts itself with Burning Rangers or PSO. AM2 may apply too, but Virtua Fighter and Shenmue contradicts that.

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #140 on: February 09, 2013, 08:21:33 pm »
After hearing Kamiya-san mention on Twitter that it's up to Nintendo to decide if this goes multiplat even though they don't own the IP, I'm starting to wonder how much of an involvement SEGA will have with this game?

Offline Ben

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #141 on: February 09, 2013, 11:07:20 pm »
I'm just being an asshole.
Okay serious answer; I don't see why a nintendo fan should be upset about other console owners playing the game. If the game was cancelled on Wii-U and then only came out on PS3 and Xbox 360, okay yeah I can see why they would be fuming, but being angry about other people being able to play their game?

Let's look at Rayman Legends for a sec.

I'm upset about the fact that game I should be playing THIS MONTH was delayed until September so that it can release alongside versions that I had no intention of buying.

I don't care that the game's multiplat; great, the more people who can play it, the better. They can play it in September, when their versions are completed, while Wii U owners should get to play the Wii U version, which is finished, in February, as we were promised. 

The fact that it's multiplat doesn't bother me. The way Ubisoft is punishing Wii U owners by delaying our version as well is disgusting. Just weeks ago (when they likely already had their minds made up about this decision) they released a demo of the game to the Wii U eShop. And then they delay it weeks from release so that they can work on OTHER versions so they can release them together for marketing reasons.

It's sickening the way Ubisoft handled this.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:22:33 pm by Ben »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #142 on: February 09, 2013, 11:19:41 pm »
I'm upset about the fact that game I should be playing THIS MONTH was delayed until September so that it can release alongside versions that I had no intention of buying.

I don't care that the game's multiplat; great, the more people who can play it, the better. They can play it in September, while Wii U owners should get to play the (finished) Wii U version, a game that we were promised, in February.

The fact that it's multiplat doesn't bother me. The way Ubisoft is punishing Wii U owners by delaying our version as well is disgusting.
First of all:

(in all seriosness though, that is pretty shit)

What does this have to do with Bayonetta?

After hearing Kamiya-san mention on Twitter that it's up to Nintendo to decide if this goes multiplat even though they don't own the IP, I'm starting to wonder how much of an involvement SEGA will have with this game?
Sega's total involvement in this game will be cashing a royalty cheque for the use of the IP.

Offline Ben

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #143 on: February 09, 2013, 11:21:40 pm »
What does this have to do with Bayonetta?

I'm discussing Rayman because it's the perfect example of an exclusive suddenly going multiplat. My point to you iin bringing it up is that just because there are some fanboys out there who are just upset because "oh, it's no longer exclusive, so I can't brag about it anymore......." doesn't mean that represents everybody. There are many rational gamers out there who are legitimately mad for other reasons.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:24:20 pm by Ben »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #144 on: February 09, 2013, 11:23:51 pm »
Yes, but we aren't talking about Bayonetta being delayed to go multiplat...

EDIT: I see you just addressed that you wouldn't mind if it was going multiplat eventually, so yeah. I wouldn't want to delay the release of the WiiU version, I'd just like to play it on a console that doesn't use a deformed iPad controller.

Offline Ben

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #145 on: February 09, 2013, 11:25:28 pm »
I just edited my previous post but not in time. Here;

Would I care if Bayonetta 2 was announced as multiplat? Well, it depends. If it's announced as multiplat months after its release (like Ninja Gaiden 3:Razor's Edge was) then I'd be 100% fine with it. Seriously.

If it's announced as multiplat before its release and then its release is delayed because of it, then yeah, I'd be pissed. Even if it's announced as a multiplat before its release (and not delayed) I'd be.....well, less fine with it, but I'd still say "well, at least I get the game first instead of months from now." It wouldn't bother me that much.

Though, I dunno. I also feel like if you promise a game's should keep that promise, at least, for a limited amount of time. I don't think you should promise things and then go back on them.

I'd just like to play it on a console that doesn't use a deformed iPad controller.

Have you actually tried the controller dude? It's pretty nice.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 11:35:31 pm by Ben »

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #146 on: February 10, 2013, 12:12:48 am »

Have you actually tried the controller dude? It's pretty nice.

seriously.  It's great.  And the added functionality it offers is anything but a gimmick.  In fact I would say its creatively much more valuable than the increased fidelity offerred by the Orbis and Xbox720 (or whatever it'll be called).  Somehow though, people have already decided that its not worth their time.  If you've played nintendo land with a group of friends and some beers, you know that nintendo is still delivering multiplayer fun like no other developer can.   

Offline crackdude

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #147 on: February 10, 2013, 05:32:01 pm »
Sonic Shuffle is a blast with a group of friends and some beers too. That doesn't make it a good game though.

And the controller is not nice at all! It's too light for it's size, and the screen is shit. Not only that, it lasts only 2/3 hours of gameplay and you can't buy a replacement. It's a fucking joke.

People aren't falling into Nintendo's bullshit.
While Nintendo waited a while after the 360 came out to release the Wii, affirming loudly and proudly that they were going into a completely different direction; this time Nintendo is jumping to the "next-gen" early with a mindset of getting at level with the PS3/360 (read: 8 year old technology).

When the new consoles get announced, the WiiU will be irrelevant. It will run shoddy ports of the 360 versions of the new releases, it won't have mass public appeal (while the Wii was beautifully simple and intuitive, the WiiU is complicated, convoluted and lukewarm).

Nintendo is scaring away the casual crowd and betting on an hardcore crowd that is gone since the N64 days.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #148 on: February 10, 2013, 07:20:04 pm »
I haven't tried to controller yet, so shame on me for judging it, but I really... I dunno it would really surprise me if I actually liked it.

In terms of games, yeah I don't like mini-game compilations and NSMB looks the same as the last 3 versions.

But enough console wars, let's talk about Bayonetta 2. Did anyone watch that vid I posted? She has whips on her shoes now! Will all weapons be quad-equippable? Remember the carnage that could be caused with quad rocket launchers?

Offline Ben

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Re: SEGA rips our hearts out: Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive
« Reply #149 on: February 10, 2013, 11:14:21 pm »
And the controller is not nice at all! It's too light for it's size, and the screen is shit. Not only that, it lasts only 2/3 hours of gameplay and you can't buy a replacement. It's a fucking joke.

The screen's awesome. I think it looks incredibly bright and the images are colorful. And you can charge it while playing.

But enough console wars, let's talk about Bayonetta 2. Did anyone watch that vid I posted? She has whips on her shoes now! Will all weapons be quad-equippable? Remember the carnage that could be caused with quad rocket launchers?

haha dude that's an old vid by now, we've had it on the front page weeks ago. And yes that is awesome. (Though I'm not a huge Bayonetta fan, I'm eager to give the series another try.)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 11:16:33 pm by Ben »