Looked it up, and you're right. It was 13 months.
The announcement of it just felt like a bit of a slap in the face after I dropped $90 on the Collector's Edition of SFIV.
I was hoping that they'd just keep adding on to the game, making whatever changes they wanted (like Burnout Paradise). I can appreciate that Super SFIV is a much improved game, but I just don't like feeling like I wasted money.
Hopefully, they just add on characters to MVC3 through DLC.
In all honesty though, were you playing Street Fighter IV for a solid year until Super came out? I know I wasn't, and by the time Super was around the corner I was really looking forward to the new characters and gameplay changes. They could have added Characters by DLC, but then that would be 10 new characters taking up considerable HDD space, probably cost about the same as a disc and they would need to have all the other features and gameplay changes featured as a massive patch too.
With Marvel, I feel they could get away with adding DLC characters, since they probably aren't so concerned about balance probably, but would still be nice if they did a proper follow up as well I think.
Also, I was hoping we would have heard something about KOFXIII home port now, I'm still really looking forward to that. Apparantly they patched the arcade version to remove a number of infinites and glitches which is nice! Raiden is still a monster in the right hands though.