George: So to sum up, if I do X, I am an idiotic sheep, if I do Y, I am a retard. Personally, I think your generalization is retarded. I know all kinds of people that buy things and never figure out how to use it.
Most people in the world replace their PC when it slows down, due to too much crap running in the task bar, and not enough ram. It gets a few years old, slows down, and they mistakenly assume it's too slow because it is now obsolete. Does that make them Microsoft Fanboy idiots?
They know they want something because everyone is talking about it, or because their friend has one. It has nothing to do with being fan boys. Maybe because I'm from a different generation than you, but I hate this hipster language. It's just empty rhetoric to me. People are consumers, and they buy crap they don't know how to use, and they don't appreciate what they have. We also live in a world where people write blogs and don't know how to spell. Once I saw Gallagher, and after the show people were in line to buy DVDs and get autographs signed. One lady asked if she could take a picture of him, and he said it was okay. Then she handed him the camera and asked him how to turn it on. He went off on how stupid she was, and how she was wasting everyone's time. That people who buy things should learn how to use them.
Sorry I called you out on an old post (Mademan too), but really I had just read that Joojoo review, and I wanted to call you out on the fact that you (like a lot of people) assume that Apple products have not substance, the people who buy them are idiots or retards, and there are these secret products out there that are so much better, but only the smart people like you know about them. That thing was garbage, and you never went back and revised your opinion, you just hoped that nobody would notice.
Fluffy: I hope your friends also take inventory of what you buy and judge you based on it. You will never see me saying everyone who buys an HP computer is a complete moron, even though the only one I ever worked with caught fire.
People buy things, and if you want to know why, ask them. I'm sick of defending myself here. Maybe you know now why I bought it, and maybe Fluffy still thinks I'm a moron, maybe others of you think everyone else that bought one is a moron now except me. You're missing the point.