Author Topic: wake up project  (Read 30876 times)

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2012, 09:12:55 pm »
Digital games are the future, get used to it boys.

Also, digital games are safer than physical copies, Steam, GOG etc will outlast your cartridges and CDs.

I'm not sure how much safer they are. If my console dies, it doesn't take my game with it. Say my PS3's hard drive takes a shit, it's gonna' take my games with it. Sure, so long as I can back it up every so often, I should be fine. Still, that's an issue for me. How do I replace that copy if I should lose it? Am I gonna' have to pay for it again?

Digital games aren't the future, in my opinion; it's just an option. Digital comics, digital movies and digital music haven't replaced physical copies. People are still producing comic books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, CDs and even vinyl records. I could be wrong, and probably am. Sure as shit wouldn't be the first time.

Regardless, I'm old, stubborn, and set in my ways. I'll like my old shit. Hehe. I understand the appeal of having everything reduced to ether, what with how much crap people produce. It's very economical and cheap. No arguments there. However, I don't like putting all my eggs in one basket.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2012, 09:25:54 pm by mylifewithsega »
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #31 on: December 21, 2012, 04:56:09 am »
^It doesn't matter if the HDD you stored them on dies. Hell, I could throw my PC into a pit of lava, fly to the USA and buy a brand new tower from the local PC store, then just sign into Steam or my GOG account and re-download every game I owned. Then I could do the same with my Xbox 360's XBLA games or PSN games.

Compare this to if my copy of Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 gets a scratch on the disc when taking it to a friends house, and basically my copy is fucked and I have no right to play it again until I buy another copy from the store or second hand.

I do think digital will take over, but hasn't happened yet because we just don't have the infrastructure (internets and HDD space) to keep up yet. Also because they often have retarded pricing online so that retailers won't go kaput overnight.

Offline Sharky

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2012, 05:06:23 am »
sharky come on dude. thats the foulest thing to say as a sega fan.
a tablet wtf.. i have ipad and never really play games on it. this touch thing sucks big time.
this is the reason why i have the ps3. and even tho i have this ps move shizzle with fight club and ufc trainer. but other then that all my games on joypad.

steam pffff
i want my games boxed. wait there yo when steams gonna guess out. then what?????

yo answer that

I love toast, I eat it almost everyday and yet I don't give a shit what toaster it came from... It works exactly the same for video games and consoles.

Also Wake up Wendy, times are changing. Digital is the future.
Made by SEGA

Offline mylifewithsega

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2012, 05:30:28 am »
^It doesn't matter if the HDD you stored them on dies. Hell, I could throw my PC into a pit of lava, fly to the USA and buy a brand new tower from the local PC store, then just sign into Steam or my GOG account and re-download every game I owned. Then I could do the same with my Xbox 360's XBLA games or PSN games.

Compare this to if my copy of Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 gets a scratch on the disc when taking it to a friends house, and basically my copy is fucked and I have no right to play it again until I buy another copy from the store or second hand.

I do think digital will take over, but hasn't happened yet because we just don't have the infrastructure (internets and HDD space) to keep up yet. Also because they often have retarded pricing online so that retailers won't go kaput overnight.

It's awesome that they provide that service and make it fairly easy for users to recover their data. The concept doesn't appeal to me though. Besides, I only have one computer. I need as much space as possible for video/audio editing. That may be an issue I have that colors my judgement slightly. I use a computer for work; not to play games. Always been a console gamer. Like I said, old and stubborn.

I've yet to scratch the shit outta' my discs, or fuck up my cartridges. Shit, my Atari 2600 gets a lot of play, and it plays like new. Picture comes in crystal clear, every cartridge I've stuck in that "woody" works without so much as a fart. That's pretty cool, considering it's older than I am. Hehe.

I'm sure infrastructure plays a big part, but I know I'm not the only one that doesn't really care for the idea of everything going digital.
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2012, 05:44:44 am »
It's awesome that they provide that service and make it fairly easy for users to recover their data. The concept doesn't appeal to me though. Besides, I only have one computer. I need as much space as possible for video/audio editing. That may be an issue I have that colors my judgement slightly. I use a computer for work; not to play games. Always been a console gamer. Like I said, old and stubborn.

I've yet to scratch the shit outta' my discs, or fuck up my cartridges. Shit, my Atari 2600 gets a lot of play, and it plays like new. Picture comes in crystal clear, every cartridge I've stuck in that "woody" works without so much as a fart. That's pretty cool, considering it's older than I am. Hehe.

I'm sure infrastructure plays a big part, but I know I'm not the only one that doesn't really care for the idea of everything going digital.

In terms of PC space, it doesn't really come into account. Whether it's on disc or downloaded is irrelevant, you can still download and delete the games from your HDD as required. If it's on disc the data is on disc, if it's digital it's stored out in the ether until you download it.

And yeah it works the same on Consoles or PC basically. I understand your point though, I like to have physical copies when possible too, for a number of reasons, but I do love digital services like Steam and GOG as well.

Offline thearcticsea

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2012, 07:46:27 am »
If I give someone money they sure as shit better be handing me something in return.

Fuck digital.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2012, 07:51:13 am »
barry the thing with appstore and steam is that when games get to old or not succesfull at all they simply put it of the digital shelf. so after you buy it. and let us just say you uninstall it. and later on you realise that you actually wanna play it again. and then?

not on steam anymore

boxed is the best

ok for rereleases and small type games its ideal. but big ass games such as brderland ye know better have it boxed.

this doesnt mean i dont understand why they go digital. but a smart consumer who wnts to litteraly own a game. does actually fully own it when its in his own real wooden shelve.

I have no idea what situations you're referring to.

Midway games were pulled from XBLA after the company closed, but the game's files are still on the servers. Anybody who spent money on the games still owns them, and can delete and re-download them regardless of their absence from the store. As long as they have their XBLA account, they have access to the games.

Same goes for Outrun Online Arcade, which I own but it was removed from XBLA a year ago. I can delete it if I wish and still download it.

On the App Store, same deal. Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games was only on the store for a short while, but was removed. Yet I can still download it if I wish. It's in my listing of purchased apps.

The only time, and I mean ONLY time that I can see one losing access to a digital title is if it relies heavily on servers and the company (like EA on the App Store) decides to stop supporting it. But again, this is no different from Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast. A good chunk of the game is now inaccessible.


I'm a game collector, and I appreciate boxed games, but I completely understand digital titles. Really, in the end, it is boxed-only minded gamers who are hurting themselves by ignoring fantastic titles simply because they cannot pop in a disc and play it. Aside from that little moment of removing the disc from the case and opening the tray, games like Outrun Online Arcade, Afterburner Climax and Hell Yeah are no different from Binary Domain or Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. Still the same console and controller, games even appear in the same menus (the disc title appears with the digital titles).

The only way I can see digital download naysayers being right is if we were to look off to some distant hypothetical future when a company like Microsoft or Sony goes out of business and the ability to re-download titles disappears. But even then, there are a whole host of possibilities that could still allow us to access the games.

The one thing I do agree with, when it comes to negatives of digital titles, is that I can never justify spending more than $20 on a game if it also exists as a boxed release. Like Nintendo's thing of selling digital titles the same day as retail releases. I'd prefer to physically own a game like NSMB2 than download it, if I'm spending $40.

If I give someone money they sure as shit better be handing me something in return.

Fuck digital.

Ha! I love this sort of attitude. Yes, fuck SEGA and their digital titles. Because really, a game is not about the game itself. It's about a disc and a box. Something like Hell Yeah or Monster World 4 or JSR HD are nothing unless they are on a disc and sitting on a shelf. Until SEGA does so, which ain't happening with titles like those, then those games should never be played. :P

Honestly, are you serious? I mean, if you really mean "fuck digital" then you might as well get out of gaming now before the next gen consoles come. Or just stick to retro consoles.

I wonder, if SEGA were still making consoles and they had a digital download service (and face it, they would given how innovative they are) would we be saying "fuck digital" or would we be happily downloading digital titles to play on our Dreamcast 2?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 07:56:57 am by Barry the Nomad »

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2012, 08:57:28 am »
ios in belgium  kingdom conquest is gone
spanish in a month is gone

i bought spanish and their gone i was forced to jb my phone and reinstall it trough installous

kingdom conquest i had to install the dutch version. but to get that done i had to crack it in order to install it on iphone

honestly i cant name one on steam. but if u google surely ull find games that were put off. and sometimes it gets back again and sometimes never.
digital sucks.

you get a great advantage. but ther is nothing like a boxed game.
and if scratched ur stupid fault.

its legal to make a backup. so for every game i ever owned and that was actually cd id make a backup of it.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2012, 09:20:28 am »
So, Kingdom Conquest in Spain and Belgium. But are these servers or are they removed outright?

In any case, I'm sure the game is ending because the sequel is coming:

Again, no different from PSO on Dreamcast. Just think of Kingdom Conquest 2 as PSO version 2


As for Steam, that was your example, not mine. And since you can't name any examples, we'll just have to assume that Steam isn't an example of digital titles being taken away forever, even from those who already bought it.

And you concede that with digital you get a great advantage? Cool, we agree on that.

"and if scratched ur stupid fault" is a poor excuse, that was what we were arguing about to begin with. Compared to a physical copy, digital titles just have more protection than physical. Even if a digital file gets corrupted somehow, you can just delete it and reinstall it. Game saves are typically separate, and saved to a cloud, so you can continue playing once you reinstall the game. Compare that to physical, where the longevity of the game depends on how well you maintain your collection and handle your discs. Natural disasters could wipe out physical copies, but digital are safe.

Backups are good, for games that work on a CD. All that comes to mind, though, are Dreamcast and perhaps SEGA CD. I don't know of Saturn titles being back-up friendly. In my quest to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, I looked into burning the files to a disc but found that it doesn't work well, if at all.


Anyway, my stance is: I love physical copies, I love digital copies. I don't think either are bad, and both do have their downsides. But people outright hating digital and giving it the middle finger need change their attitude.

Offline ROJM

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2012, 11:27:46 am »
Anyway, my stance is: I love physical copies, I love digital copies. I don't think either are bad, and both do have their downsides. But people outright hating digital and giving it the middle finger need change their attitude.

Well its understandable considering the statements from Sega themselves and the type of digital games we have seen by them. None of them are exactly AAA level and that does not mean the digital games they have released aren't good. People are worried that the type of game people are use to and want from sega may be lost in the new "digital" age. People are frustrated with Sega but that doesn't mean we dont want them to stop making a console high level AAA game which is original, innovative and competes with some of the other AAA titles out there. But the indications so far on Sega's new digital horizon is that these games will be less and less. And to many including myself that's a step backwards.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 12:01:17 pm by ROJM »

Offline Centrale

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2012, 11:56:30 am »
Backups are good, for games that work on a CD. All that comes to mind, though, are Dreamcast and perhaps SEGA CD. I don't know of Saturn titles being back-up friendly. In my quest to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, I looked into burning the files to a disc but found that it doesn't work well, if at all.

I crazily(?) went and bought it this year... I figured, the price is never getting any lower, and if I need to some day I can sell it for more than what I bought it for.  Hopefully I won't ever have to, but it is already going for more than what I paid.  But regarding backups for the Saturn, without getting into too much detail, it can be done, but it requires a modification than involves some soldering, so it's out of the question for most people.

There is some digital game service, I forget which one, that made a statement a couple years back that they have the rights to Panzer Dragoon Saga but they figured there isn't enough of an audience to bother making it available.  In situations like this, and other highly-sought-after titles, especially the disc based ones, I wonder why Sega doesn't do reissues.  It wouldn't hurt the value of the originals (not that they would particularly care about the collectors' market), and it would enable a lot of fans to get their hands on these games.

Offline semmie

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2012, 01:50:44 pm »
So, Kingdom Conquest in Spain and Belgium. But are these servers or are they removed outright?

In any case, I'm sure the game is ending because the sequel is coming:

Again, no different from PSO on Dreamcast. Just think of Kingdom Conquest 2 as PSO version 2


As for Steam, that was your example, not mine. And since you can't name any examples, we'll just have to assume that Steam isn't an example of digital titles being taken away forever, even from those who already bought it.

And you concede that with digital you get a great advantage? Cool, we agree on that.

"and if scratched ur stupid fault" is a poor excuse, that was what we were arguing about to begin with. Compared to a physical copy, digital titles just have more protection than physical. Even if a digital file gets corrupted somehow, you can just delete it and reinstall it. Game saves are typically separate, and saved to a cloud, so you can continue playing once you reinstall the game. Compare that to physical, where the longevity of the game depends on how well you maintain your collection and handle your discs. Natural disasters could wipe out physical copies, but digital are safe.

Backups are good, for games that work on a CD. All that comes to mind, though, are Dreamcast and perhaps SEGA CD. I don't know of Saturn titles being back-up friendly. In my quest to play Panzer Dragoon Saga, I looked into burning the files to a disc but found that it doesn't work well, if at all.


Anyway, my stance is: I love physical copies, I love digital copies. I don't think either are bad, and both do have their downsides. But people outright hating digital and giving it the middle finger need change their attitude.

without saying all to much u can buy backup chip and panzerdragoonsaga must be burned with 2speed including the verify button. the only game that dont work for me somehow is mk2

digital is not owning but buying air. and ull eventually find out. what many dont know is that there is a limitation of support over years for games. u better own it boxed

i cant go yes or no all day. u say tomatoes i say potatoes
if u dont agree i let u be. ull find out eventually
while u think u have something. u actually have nothing. an that is wassup. but it depends how u feel about it and how u define it. to u its not nothing. but i simply believe in the 6 senses we have and in an ideal perfect world where everything is correct. u only own something when it is in ur hands. i mean the raw material should be yours.

and to my opinion barry im sorry you have nothing.
ill let u be but after 10 years or less those games wont be on steam. and her u will be thinking of what i said .

ull see ;)

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #42 on: December 21, 2012, 02:04:27 pm »
semmie, if I could comprehend your writing I'd reply, but let's just call it a day because I can't for the life of me figure out what you're saying 80% of the time.   :-\

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #43 on: December 21, 2012, 02:13:47 pm »
If I give someone money they sure as shit better be handing me something in return.

Fuck digital.
Pay $20 for a retail copy: You have that ONE disc and that's it. That's all you ever have for your $20.

Pay $20 for a digital copy: You can play it on your PC, your laptop, your friend's PC, you can re-download it as many times as you require.

Tell me again how you're getting less value  ???

Seriously, I don't think people have this concept understood yet, you're paying a license for the software, the software is the only thing of value. When you buy a game from a shop, do you really think you are getting anything of value from the physical materials? It's like $2 worth of plastic and paper in the box, you're paying for SOFTWARE. Not only that but you're paying for software that is tied to a piece of storage equipment, and that single copy of it only. When you buy a licence online you can do whatver you want with it.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: wake up project
« Reply #44 on: December 21, 2012, 02:21:02 pm »
ios in belgium  kingdom conquest is gone
spanish in a month is gone

i bought spanish and their gone i was forced to jb my phone and reinstall it trough installous

kingdom conquest i had to install the dutch version. but to get that done i had to crack it in order to install it on iphone

honestly i cant name one on steam. but if u google surely ull find games that were put off. and sometimes it gets back again and sometimes never.
digital sucks.

you get a great advantage. but ther is nothing like a boxed game.
and if scratched ur stupid fault.

its legal to make a backup. so for every game i ever owned and that was actually cd id make a backup of it.

How is it any different to Marvel vs Capcom 2 going out of print on Xbox and then costing $500 a copy? Retail games can be pulled from shelf as well.

Games get damaged, not 'through your own stupid fault' but through wear and tear sometimes. What about fire/floods? What about theft? What about genuine mistakes when you bring a game to play at a friends house?

And yes you can make copies, but good luck playing one on an Xbox or PS3 without getting bricked or modding the console. And ummm digital copies are basically 'backups' that are already made for you in advance and can be used over and over. So you're supporting digital copies when you make backups because that's the same concept.

And you really prefer buying a game, buying a backup storage unit, and doing all the work yourself? YOu can get a digital copy and do the same thing but someone does the backing up for you.

Seriously, publishers need to educate people about these services I think. I'm not insulting people, but I really get the impression that people don't fully understand the concept.