Author Topic: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan  (Read 50769 times)

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2013, 12:34:13 pm »

Japan stats:
The first Vita game on the top appears after FOUR PSP and SEVEN 3DS games.
As for hardware, the 3DS is outselling the Vita by 5 to 1.

(The WiiU is being outsold by the PS3. The portables are in control of the Japanese market)

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2013, 12:44:53 pm »
You're the one taking it personal. Once AGAIN you are bothering in explaining you you bought the damned thing.
You asked, I answered. There you have it...

As I said before, there is nothing wrong in having fun with something. But that doesn't mean that it isn't going through trouble in the market. It is. And that is what we discuss in this thread. Why you always have to argue that everything's great because you can play 15yo games in new hardware is beyond me.

I grew up playing those gems where creativity was key to success for a great system. On a second note, before I parted with my old Wii system, I wasn't going to let over $600 USD go with it in those games and independent titles go with it. I've been dealing with trying to reduce the amount of spaghetti attached to the back of my TV. Support for the original Wii is gone and plan on donating it to a nursing facility where Wii Sports is a excellent physical therapy tool for range of motion.

Another thing is your whole "you all haters I'm the true gamer" bullshit.
No one blindly hates Nintendo or Sony. If people here dislike those brands of hardware/software they have their own reasons. Having a personal opinion on what you like (or DON'T like) doesn't make you less of a gaming fan.

Your point being? There are many haters etc. I've dealt with for loving the SMS over the NES where here in the U.S., was a absolute dismal failure. It didn't make playing Phantasy Star any less fun but the arguments in grade school were a riot. Your perception of me is way off base and out of line but whatever tickles your taint.

You feel like a sir for expressing how you love all consoles no matter how shit they are doing. That's okay. Just don't criticize others for having "blind hate" when you don't even consider why people dislike the products in the first place. Or worse yet, you ignore what reasoning others base their opinions on based on YOUR OWN personal opinions!

Is that what a forum is for? Sharing opinions? Expressing the way I like something despite its marketing failures. Sony is far more devoted to PS4 right now. Any average person knows this. What I don't understand is the constant attack for liking something despite it being a failure or "uncool" etc.

Right now, the Vita is a blunder. That is what is being discussed in this thread.
Good for you that you got a good deal out of it. But that doesn't mean the thing isn't a bust! Sony needs to act fast.

Three pages of everyone saying the same thing and doing some sort of victory dance. Why not move on and be happy with what you have? I know Sony has made major mistakes in marketing the Vita so is it a sin for enjoying it for what it can do? Castlevania SOTN on the go is a win for me despite the larger problem at hand.

Also, Sega an underdog? I became a Sega fan in the MegaDrive days. Good luck trying to find someone who owned a Super Nintendo in Portugal.
Many of us are here because of Sega once being the dominant force in many places.

Sega did have some markets that the Mega Drive was a hit bit it wasn't worldwide throughout it's life. Japan still had the PC Engine as a dominant force throughout that console generation despite it not being marketed in the UK and trailing dead last in the U.S.A.

There were faithful fans of the system here though as it was popular among fans of shmups and the Ys series. It was expensive to have the complete system early on with the CD attachment costing $349 alone back in 1990. That didn't include the console which also had one controller port.

It was in far worse shape in the market if you were to compare it to the Vita, mainly due to the cost of ownership and having to buy a multitap accessory just to play multiple player games on it.

The Genesis released and I picked one up and enjoyed the shit out of Castle of Illusion and many other games. The Genesis here at launch did have some faithful ports of games from Capcom which gave it an edge and with Madden Football from EA, a monster was born with the first great American Football title. Once the SNES released, the schoolyard arguments started once again even while I was in high school.

Round and round we went, console wars never end... Back then it was about the games and colors and sprites and other technobabble that most had no real idea what they were talking about. Just some article from some random magazine.

The Super NES eventually took the lead while Sega had so much plugged into the Genesis to stay somewhat relevant but really. None of it really mattered. We all played what got our hands on as ports were now ammo for console battles... Street Fighter II was the real killer for the Genesis... If you wanted to play it at home, it was on the Super NES.

During that generation, I often refer it as the " Golden Age" of video gaming. Many of the best games of all time saw the light during that time on both the Genesis/Mega Drive as well as the Super NES which was home to some of the most memorable RPG's of all time. The Genesis had the best action titles bar none with Sonic (of course) and many others when Konami started producing for Sega and when Street Fighter II finally hit the Genesis with one of the best controllers ever, the six button arcade pad.

So many franchises for both systems were hard to forget and again, one main reason why I loved the Original Wii and being able to still play the greats without a dozen consoles hooked up for a quick fix of Streets Of Rage II or if I feel like hitting the wayback machine and playing Super Mario World or Legend of Zelda on the original NES. Nothing wrong with reliving the classics, I just refuse to use emulators on a PC... It's just not the same feeling.

I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2013, 12:45:43 pm »

Japan stats:
The first Vita game on the top appears after FOUR PSP and SEVEN 3DS games.
As for hardware, the 3DS is outselling the Vita by 5 to 1.

(The WiiU is being outsold by the PS3. The portables are in control of the Japanese market)

Fap, fap, fap...
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2013, 01:02:59 pm »
ok well let me put it like this .

this is the 14th month and still no good sells. even the wii u which is going bad as well didnt have such a miserable time. the psvita can be almost confirmed a flop.
some websites officialy confirmed it as a flop. however i dont cause i know sony got a moota dough to keep going.

ungibbed i understand that you like it. cause i love saturn as well. so i understand the sentiment. but with all respect to both to u and crackdude. and put in mind that it is not my intention to belittle u

but all with all i think even tho u enjoy your games. but if u finish them there is not a lot of games to loop up on to. they say pso2 is coming on vita. i start to see delays and cancels 14 months in a row. even the mercy full sega who gave sonic transformed is basically canceling hesitating to give more input to this.

come on ungibbed honestly we can name the games cause they are but a few.
and 14 months and japan maybe 15 and still nothing.
this is a serious flaw bro.
a lot of peeps trough out websites and forums consider purchasing a vita as a great expensive gamble

and the topics ull see on the sony community is basically:
when should i purchase vita?
cause they dont even dare.

Semmie, I don't know why you bother jumping on the "hate Ungibbed" bandwagon. Is the cool thing to do or the right thing to do or are you here for quick and easy +1's...

As explained, I actually got the Vita complete in trade for one of my old iPods. A 32GB model IIRC, I know some folks are getting some jollies out of this but I enjoy the Vita for what it is (and does) for ME, that's all that matters. Why that bothers some of you is beyond me. Between mobile and tablet gaming where high profit margin is for many companies, I still prefer the traditional handheld as it can deliver a richer experience better than a phone ever will. I still love my Legend Of Zelda limited edition 3DS just as much as anything else I have in my collection.

TBH though, after upgrading my phone (not going to bother saying what it is, don't need phone wars now do we?) I've been simply enjoying a bit of Sonic CD.
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2013, 01:40:13 pm »
Semmie, I don't know why you bother jumping on the "hate Ungibbed" bandwagon. Is the cool thing to do or the right thing to do or are you here for quick and easy +1's...

As explained, I actually got the Vita complete in trade for one of my old iPods. A 32GB model IIRC, I know some folks are getting some jollies out of this but I enjoy the Vita for what it is (and does) for ME, that's all that matters. Why that bothers some of you is beyond me. Between mobile and tablet gaming where high profit margin is for many companies, I still prefer the traditional handheld as it can deliver a richer experience better than a phone ever will. I still love my Legend Of Zelda limited edition 3DS just as much as anything else I have in my collection.

TBH though, after upgrading my phone (not going to bother saying what it is, don't need phone wars now do we?) I've been simply enjoying a bit of Sonic CD.

it doesnt bother me ;)
having a feeling about something is not based on worldwide success.
its what u enjoy of it.
if you love a woman but others dont find her the real deal. but u love her in your heart so u dont care.

at this point i never had something against your having pleasure with the vita. surely as even i admit in essence the handheld is the better of the 2 but 3ds is the goliath and maybe the vita is david that throws a stone to goliaths head sudden death.

but i think thats not gonna happen.

but then again im cool with u and i respect u being an all around game player LOL
i play loads of games but sega is 1
i learned to respect that of u:)

but when speaking about vita in sails;.  they are losing badly

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2013, 01:45:45 pm »
I understand your point, and enjoyed your life story.

I just don't think you understand mine. But whatever.. I think it's unfair for you to go around calling people who don't like something a hater.
There is also no "victory dance". Most of us have already discussed what should be done to turn the Vita into a successful portable.

I'm no "hater", though your perception of me by this point must be distorted.
I've been playing both Nintendo and Sony consoles way before Sega went out of the hardware market. Hell, I have a hard time justifying being a Sega fan since in the late 90s I had a PS1+GBC combo (like most of my friends).

And no one hates on you for having a Vita and a WiiU.
But, on purpose or not, every time someone mentions how bad they are doing or that the features seem pointless for them you come in like the One Prophet of Gaming, Savior of the Underdog Hardware justifying over and over why they are actually good for you and hence should be selling like hotcakes.

As I said before, I am in the market for a portable system, and I have actually taken your opinion into consideration believe it or not (your wild devotion for defending the Vita is remarkably preachy).

I find confusing that you say multiple times that you hate fanboys, but you act like a fanboy in regard to these underperforming consoles.

No one hates you, stop playing victim. Go play some games.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2013, 02:31:32 pm »
I understand your point, and enjoyed your life story.

I just don't think you understand mine. But whatever.. I think it's unfair for you to go around calling people who don't like something a hater.
There is also no "victory dance". Most of us have already discussed what should be done to turn the Vita into a successful portable.

I'm no "hater", though your perception of me by this point must be distorted.
I've been playing both Nintendo and Sony consoles way before Sega went out of the hardware market. Hell, I have a hard time justifying being a Sega fan since in the late 90s I had a PS1+GBC combo (like most of my friends).

And no one hates on you for having a Vita and a WiiU.
But, on purpose or not, every time someone mentions how bad they are doing or that the features seem pointless for them you come in like the One Prophet of Gaming, Savior of the Underdog Hardware justifying over and over why they are actually good for you and hence should be selling like hotcakes.

As I said before, I am in the market for a portable system, and I have actually taken your opinion into consideration believe it or not (your wild devotion for defending the Vita is remarkably preachy).

I find confusing that you say multiple times that you hate fanboys, but you act like a fanboy in regard to these underperforming consoles.

No one hates you, stop playing victim. Go play some games.

You are one of them "just gotta get that last jab in" kind of folks I've seen on many forums.

Never have I stepped on a soapbox and "preached" in any manner at all. Call it what you will but I do enjoy sharing my honest impressions of new hardware regardless of what it may be. You are largely mistaken on that part. You wanted to bring up the past, I know it. I worked for Sega for a number of years and enjoyed every fucking moment of it.

Your jab "telling my life story" really shows your ignorance or you're one of two things. A very impatient person or one who loves to take bits of a post out of context and go hog wild on it...

Step off your soapbox and stop making a fool of yourself still looking for more dead horses to beat. I know what's going on in the marketing scene...

The big question is do I give a fuck about sales numbers. The short answer for you is no! It's about enjoying these systems for what they are and can do.

Rinse and repeat.... *sigh*
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2013, 02:39:48 pm »
it doesnt bother me ;)
having a feeling about something is not based on worldwide success.
its what u enjoy of it.
if you love a woman but others dont find her the real deal. but u love her in your heart so u dont care.

at this point i never had something against your having pleasure with the vita. surely as even i admit in essence the handheld is the better of the 2 but 3ds is the goliath and maybe the vita is david that throws a stone to goliaths head sudden death.

but i think thats not gonna happen.

but then again im cool with u and i respect u being an all around game player LOL
i play loads of games but sega is 1
i learned to respect that of u:)

but when speaking about vita in sails;.  they are losing badly

Thank you captain obvious. I don't give a shit if sales have been slow and game releases as well. I have more than plenty of games to keep me busy. What it all comes down to is of I enjoy what I have. That is what matters to me.

If people need help asking the public if they should buy something or not be it a game system, a computer or smartphone. If they are unable to decide for themselves, shame on them for lacking the ability to read and decide what suits their tastes or needs. I call them lemmings...
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2013, 02:48:33 pm »
Actually, the "life story" bit wasn't a jab at all. I was being honest, and anyone here can confirm you that if there's one thing I don't do is mock other people's experiences in life.

I think this blows up most of your argument tho..

Only real question here is: if you don't give a fuck about sales numbers, then what the bloody hell are you doing in a thread about SALES NUMBERS??
Have you not yet figured out that the most bothering thing isn't what you think of the console (your opinion is just as valid as any other's, and that's cool) but the fact that you're constantly shouting it around in the wrong thread?

And THE most aggravating thing of them all, is the you are CONSTANTLY taking me for granted as a complete imbecile! That is not only disrespectful but also poisonous for any kind of discussion!
If you really think I'm some kind of stereotypical forum troll type you're not only dead wrong, but you have a serious problem of judging other people for things other than what they actually are.

Go on, have the fucking last jab and win your stupid argument, the fuck do I care.
It's a chore arguing with someone that actually believes their "hating of haters" makes them any better than the average fanboy.

I'm done. My reply to any of your retorts is bolded out in this post.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 02:54:40 pm by crackdude »

Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #54 on: April 28, 2013, 02:50:04 pm »
Also, you are being terribly rude to semmie as well and he isn't even arguing with you.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #55 on: April 28, 2013, 03:03:56 pm »
Also, you are being terribly rude to semmie as well and he isn't even arguing with you.

Hopefully in the last line putting an end to this thread that has been a attack on me for the past day or two but then again, there you go again, having to get in the last word.

Why don't you play some Sonic or something. All the emails I've gotten this morning have been you arguing with me. I came in here being curious, I have the same right to post as you. You don't even have a Vita, why are you here?

Victory dance of some kind?

I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #56 on: April 28, 2013, 04:29:51 pm »
Alright fellas, alright! Break it up!

Ulala cosplay to calm you two down.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #57 on: April 28, 2013, 08:14:55 pm »
Alright fellas, alright! Break it up!

Ulala cosplay to calm you two down.

Best costume ever!
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #58 on: April 29, 2013, 08:17:59 am »
The Vita beat the 3DS for one week.

I was pretty shocked that it happened, but it goes to show you that Sony DOES have the potential to sell the thing if they try hard enough.

I enjoy my Vita, but if companies don't think investing games on the thing is worth it then...tough luck. :\
« Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 08:19:57 am by Nameless 24 »
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline semmie

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #59 on: April 29, 2013, 11:39:25 am »
The Vita beat the 3DS for one week.

I was pretty shocked that it happened, but it goes to show you that Sony DOES have the potential to sell the thing if they try hard enough.

I enjoy my Vita, but if companies don't think investing games on the thing is worth it then...tough luck. :\

it is considered a big gamble. but if it only took 200 games a year or even 100 it would be areason to purchase and ofcourse loyal online servers. but thats not the case

and that is why the sony community themself dont even purchase it.

the question there is. when can i purchase it