Author Topic: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan  (Read 50721 times)

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #105 on: June 02, 2013, 07:50:17 pm »
Some people get a hard on for sales numbers as if they owned stock in the companies themselves. I never understood why people obsess over NPD numbers, to feel secure about the product they've chosen or to add fuel to the fire.

I'm happy with what I got, and it's already a ton of current gen systems and games. On IGN, when someone posts it, the flames always stir up. I sit back and watch spitball fights and I'm quite sure the NPD numbers were used to bait many Dreamcast owners...
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Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #106 on: June 03, 2013, 05:49:25 am »
Do you REALLY sit back? It's just that every time I post numbers you say something of the like lol

This thread is about the Vita sales being weak in Japan. I just wanted to show that last week they were pretty reasonable. The problem is the other markets. How the hell is the PSP selling more than the Vita in Europe?

It's depressing to see the Vita selling 5 times less than the 3DS though.. Maybe E3 will change that?

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #107 on: June 03, 2013, 12:59:37 pm »
Do you REALLY sit back? It's just that every time I post numbers you say something of the like lol

This thread is about the Vita sales being weak in Japan. I just wanted to show that last week they were pretty reasonable. The problem is the other markets. How the hell is the PSP selling more than the Vita in Europe?

It's depressing to see the Vita selling 5 times less than the 3DS though.. Maybe E3 will change that?

This is the first time I've seen YOU post NPD records. Had you a bit better reading comprehension, you might have noticed the part where I had typed "on IGN..."

Yet another knee jerk reaction as the selective out of context replies I get here more often than not...

Anyways, to answer your reply...

That may change in the future as Sony is making all PS4 games playable on the Vita ala second screen gaming (last second Wii U competitive bullet point). How that holds up remains to be seen.

Sony will keep making old hardware if it keeps selling. Take the PS2 for example, now when the PS4 releases. The new cheap to produce PS3 will see the same as Sony figures out ways to make it cheaper and cheaper to build till it stops selling.

No idea yet if the Xbox 360 will see the guillotine like the original did upon release of the Xbox One (I almost feel a flop coming on for Microsoft. Things did not bode well after the unveil of the hardware. Sony may see a big win but that is yet to be seen till the PS4 unveil. Let alone pricing for both of them. The Wii U itself is a considerable investment for the deluxe model at $349.99 and if you buy digital downloads, a USB hard drive is recommend or SSD.

Now E3 will tell all. I had hoped for an exclusive partnership with Nintendo which would make things rather interesting. A couple of possibly half baked Sonic games doesn't really excite me but will have to do.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 01:07:55 pm by ungibbed »
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Offline crackdude

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #108 on: June 03, 2013, 04:45:39 pm »
Geez, talk about replying with knife on hand ;) I have in fact posted some sales figures before. Don't remember if in this thread or the WiiU one though.

So you're betting Vita's success mainly on the running PS4 games thing? Personally while it's a cool feature (and useful) I doubt it's going to be a game changer. The PS4 userbase will be very small at first. When it reaches the point where it makes a difference, the Vita will already be too old.

This is my take on it tho..

(on the home console side, a WiiU price drop is inevitable. Predictions are that the PS4 is coming out @ less than 400 bucks)

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #109 on: June 03, 2013, 05:16:23 pm »
Geez, talk about replying with knife on hand ;) I have in fact posted some sales figures before. Don't remember if in this thread or the WiiU one though.

So you're betting Vita's success mainly on the running PS4 games thing? Personally while it's a cool feature (and useful) I doubt it's going to be a game changer. The PS4 userbase will be very small at first. When it reaches the point where it makes a difference, the Vita will already be too old.

This is my take on it tho..

(on the home console side, a WiiU price drop is inevitable. Predictions are that the PS4 is coming out @ less than 400 bucks)

Knife in hand? How cute. You really love taking things out of context since nearly every reply to you I've had to spell out in mind blowing detail to keep you from jumping to conclusions.

Where did I say that the the PS4 will be the one all feature to the Vitas success? It's a fucking feature added and mandated by Sony to promote sales and another tactic to sell systems. Way to blow something out of proportion. Learn to fuckin' read before spouting off with what you assume to be what I've posted. When I have to spell it out for you in length, you get annoyed and piss and moan about it. When I get down and simple you selectively read out of context assuming that your reply must be absolutely what I've said.

Take some remedial English courses as you are becoming quite annoying (or that's your intention to begin with) learn to READ then reply with a bit of logic. I know it may be hard for you but at least try FFS...

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Offline Happy Cat

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #110 on: June 03, 2013, 06:11:35 pm »

come on guys, relax. There is no need to be up each others throats.

I understand it's easy to get passionate and emotionally invested about something you love, I know that all too well, but at the same time you need to control and keep yourself composed. You can't go off exploding at members because someone doesn't agree with you on something.

Consider this a friendly reminder to control yourself, if there is anymore outbursts like just happened the SEGAbits staff will have to take action.

Thank you :)

you may now resume the discussion you guys were having.

Offline ungibbed

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #111 on: June 03, 2013, 08:39:36 pm »
Will, this topic has just gone on for too long. What I don't understand is why people stoke the fire over and over again. I enjoy what I have and always having my judgement questioned and my words twisted is just too much hence why I finally had enough. New systems on the horizon and fanboy rivalry will always exist here (your sig for example) but I'm not a big Mario Kart fan either but it was a college dorm classic along with Saturn Bomberman.

I love new hardware and study some to an extent to where I may start building a game for the iPhone and get hate mail from Android users. When explaining with logic to the best I can on that, even then my words get twisted and misunderstood by people who can't handle a fact or statement until near bloodshed.

People will always misunderstand others but provoke others I will never understand.
I despise ignorant fanboys. Enjoy the great games on all systems or platforms. There is no reason for blind hate...

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #112 on: June 03, 2013, 08:48:52 pm »
I suppose you are right about this topic going on too long. I'll just lock it then.

If anyone has anything about the Vita they want to discuss, go ahead and create a new topic for it. Now that ungibbed mentioned it, i agree. I mean, the person who created this topic doesn't even post here anymore. heh :P

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #113 on: June 03, 2013, 09:04:23 pm »
Will is just finding reasons to lock semmie created topics. :(

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: PS vita is doing extremely bad in japan
« Reply #114 on: June 03, 2013, 09:11:19 pm »
Will is just finding reasons to lock semmie created topics. :(

Naah, semmie made you angry, he never made me angry :)