I have seen your review about 5 times ;-)
I didn't now it back then, but you liked it so it had to be good.
I like the Resident evil series from 0 to code veronica and it has simular gameplay so it was an instant buy if i found it. The thing is also that i always had a Sega master system, mega drive and dreamcast, i never had a saturn before. @ the time i bought a playstation because it was to much money for a saturn. Now that i have one im in love with it :-)
5 times? Damn! I have a hard time watching my episodes once I've finished editing. Hehe. Like you, I'm a big Resident Evil fan, though I tend to stick to numbered titles. Couldn't get into the Gun Survivor or Outbreak series. I've been replaying Code: Veronica. Love that game.
I feel you on the Saturn. I wanted one when it came out, but it was way too expensive. Bought the PlayStation instead. Once Saturn was discontinued, I bought it for $40 at Toys "R" Us. Later, I bought the Japanese Model 2 and started importing like crazy. While I love the PlayStation, the Saturn's my favorite console of the 32-bit age. Of all my consoles I play it the most.