Author Topic: SEGA at E3 2013  (Read 76320 times)

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #75 on: June 14, 2013, 11:22:19 am »
Wrong  at E3 2001 Gunvalkyrie was playable for the very 1st time It was also  the 1st time it was seen running on the X-Box . At same the E3 show SEGA showed off a  then 10% complete Jet Set Radio Future demo -complete with 'understand the concept of love' track (I should know because I still have that very E3 video ) The next E3  HOTD III (with the drop of the cel shading graphics)  and Orta showen off for the 1st time running on Hardware at E3  2002 and PSO II was revealed for the very 1st time at E3  a few years latter.

No,GV and JSRF was unveiled before E3. The same goes for ORTA. They were playable or previewed again at E3. So let's not make things up here. There were several preview trailers way before E3 came about concerning those games. You of all people should have known that. PSO 2 we all knew that was coming way before E3 as well. This myth that sega has used E3 to unveil their games is just that a myth. They never have.
For someone who claims to be bastion of all things SEGA  I would have liked to have expected better

For someone who suppose to be a know it all, i'd expect better too.

laughable . Its a current gen system and one that is selling like utter tripe, even in Japan .
What's laughable is that you believe that the system will continue to sell tripe. Any ten year old kid can tell you that how a system starts out doesn't necesarly mean it will end up like that. Again the SNES outsold the PSX when that system was brand new. that system ended up outselling its actual peers by the end of its run. The NES outsold the megadrive when that was newly released. it ended up being the dominat system in the 16 bit generation. So using the sales data of how the Wii U is selling now compared to more established brands when its actual rivals haven't appeared on the market yet is just silly.

Very few games are there at day one. Its the commitment the developer makes that's the key, efore the 360 made it out Capcom Japan were committed  to the XBox 360 with In-House development (not just 1st/2nd party software but In-House)  and showing off its Framework next gen engine and was one of the 1st corps to launch a demo that showed what the 360 could do with its early Dead Rising demo  and  if you want to be clever Full Auto wasn't a launch title either.

It was actually. And that and CONDEMNED was one of the earliest games from a third party to be revealed outside of E3 to be coming for what was then the xbox next and Ps3. You keep bringing up DR and DMC and all that but what about after that? I didn't see many games coming from either of your all fave companies you like to use to bash sega over the head with.

Your laughable defence that SEGA has been rubbish at E3 for years  means/makes it ok it just totally pathetic for the every E3 there after, that's like saying we made shit games for years while bother making anything good . If anything that should make you up your game and portfolio but no SEGA had it's worst E3 in years  and when the eye's of the world gaming press , is awash with talk of the next gen and the new systems . SEGA japan is totally absent from it - It's weak, its pathetic and its worrying to see what SEGA Japan become what it is today...

Its not an excuse. Its a fact that sega doesn't bother with E3. Everyone here apart from you seems to know that. Most of the games sega has made a big deal about in the last 8 years was shown at other events like the GDC, The german gamecon or even the NY comic con. That whole Sega/Platinum event was shown unveiled in london for gods sake. Again i dont really understand why you are bitchin and moaning about Sega having a piss poor E3 event when its been like that for years now. Its hardly a defence of sega, i'm just not going to moan about something that i have no power in changing. And if you think i'm a staunch defender of sega i wouldn't have bother to get rid of most of my stock after seeing which direction they were going towards ie digital focus. Which you keep claiming at the time they weren't. now you come back here complaining they have nothing for E3 and nothing for PS4 and XBO. Silly really when we all know that Nagoshi is developing a game for PS4 as well. 

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 11:28:11 am by ROJM »

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #76 on: June 14, 2013, 11:30:49 am »
Dammit Nagoshi...

I can understand why people like this idea in theory, but the reality is that DRM hurts paying customers while the Pirates just avoid all this shit with their chipped consoles and hacked games.

Yes its a long way from some of his views in Edge. But i guess you need to tow the company line since Sega was always against the sale of used games. It depends how successful the XBO is at market for them to fully exploit that and stop that market. Good luck to them because so far its always failed.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #77 on: June 14, 2013, 12:30:33 pm »
No,GV and JSRF was unveiled before E3

Announced - But it was MS system and they kept a tight lid on could or not be shown off. It was at E3 2001 that the 'world' saw JSRF running for the 1st time .

The same goes for ORTA

Nope all we got was 6 screen shots before hand at a 'faked' real time demo   . It was at E2002 that  MS showed off the game running on actual Hardware and it fully playable for the 1st time .

PSO 2 we all knew that was coming way before E3 as well.

Nobody really knew but the trailer all but saved what was an average E3 show for SEGA. In the end it gave SEGA fans something to look forward too, this year we didn't even get that

What's laughable is that you believe that the system will continue to sell tripe

It can't sell now , its getting creamed by the 360 and PS3  its getting dropped by the likes of EA  God help it when the PS4 and XBox One come on line too . SEGA would have been better off making sure the game was also out on the PS3 and 360 - more so has those consoles will see discounts this Christmas and the consoles of choice for mum and dads for their small kids. Everyone knows the Wii U had a piss poor start and that its showing at this year E3 was a huge let down with lost of games not ready till next year and Nintendo with the desprate need remake the likes of Zelda and Mario 3D for the system to try and help with the numbers

And that and CONDEMNED was one of the earliest games from a third party to be revealed outside of E3

Revealed , but Full Auto wasn't a launch title

. Its a fact that sega doesn't bother with E3

SEGA used to bother with E3 it used to have games to show off and used to have the Studio heads out there giving interviews and showing off their games . Those days are long gone. SEGA Japan is yet again no-where for next gen systems and got nothing to show off . Keep on dreaming that will change at this years Toyko Game Show

Nice one SEGA Japan

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 12:33:17 pm by Team Andromeda »
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Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #78 on: June 15, 2013, 08:17:22 am »
Announced - But it was MS system and they kept a tight lid on could or not be shown off. It was at E3 2001 that the 'world' saw JSRF running for the 1st time .

Actually there was a trailer for JSRF way before E3 appeared.

Nope all we got was 6 screen shots before hand at a 'faked' real time demo   . It was at E2002 that  MS showed off the game running on actual Hardware and it fully playable for the 1st time .

Nobody really knew but the trailer all but saved what was an average E3 show for SEGA. In the end it gave SEGA fans something to look forward too, this year we didn't even get that
Sega showed a couple of actual trailers before then. I shall add again since DC, Sega hasn't had a decent E3.

It can't sell now , its getting creamed by the 360 and PS3  its getting dropped by the likes of EA  God help it when the PS4 and XBox One come on line too . SEGA would have been better off making sure the game was also out on the PS3 and 360 - more so has those consoles will see discounts this Christmas and the consoles of choice for mum and dads for their small kids. Everyone knows the Wii U had a piss poor start and that its showing at this year E3 was a huge let down with lost of games not ready till next year and Nintendo with the desprate need remake the likes of Zelda and Mario 3D for the system to try and help with the numbers

Yawn,older systems are going to sell better than a new one the price alone as well as more games available is a factor on that. That isn't rocket science either. Until we actually see when the newer systems appear and the older ones discontinued, then we can see how it bears up. Until then i wont judge on what is happening now when the next console war has barely started.

Revealed , but Full Auto wasn't a launch title
It appeared in its launch year.
SEGA used to bother with E3 it used to have games to show off and used to have the Studio heads out there giving interviews and showing off their games . Those days are long gone. SEGA Japan is yet again no-where for next gen systems and got nothing to show off . Keep on dreaming that will change at this years Toyko Game Show

Nice one SEGA Japan
Used to then the DC flopped and they haven't bother since. You can bring up ORTA and the like all you want but since the last official Sega title was released in 2002/(2004 if i was going to strech it). for DC, They haven't really bothered since. I dont understand why there is a hissy fit about this, you lot are acting like this is some strange recent behavior from Sega when its been going on for over ten years now. Just because they haven't shown ANY new games for the PS4 and xbo as well as the new games that is scheduled to appear for 360 and Ps3, you are acting thatt hey are behind the times.

« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 08:30:23 am by ROJM »

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #79 on: June 16, 2013, 02:43:11 pm »
Actually there was a trailer for JSRF way before E3 appeared.

No has confirmed with an interview of the Team in EDGE  Aug 2001 . It was the 1st time the game was shown off and they were pleased with the reaction, more so as the E3  2001 demo and the games was  the result of just  4 weeks of work on the XBox.

Sega showed a couple of actual trailers before then

We got just 6 screen shots and before that all we had was what turned out to a faked demo - made to look like the game in real time

I shall add again since DC, Sega hasn't had a decent E3.

2001 and 2002 where great SEGA E3 for starters .

older systems are going to sell better than a new one the price alone as well as more games

The Wii U isn't sell - that's why its being dropped by 3rd parties and the bad part for Nintendo is the fact that's its not being out sold by the Wii, but by the 360 and PS3 .

You can bring up ORTA and the like all you want but since the last official Sega title was released in 2002

That year was a great show for SEGA with the likes of MonkeyBall 2, Orta,  , SEGA GT , ToeJame and Earl ,Shinobi ,Beach Spikers and GunGrave all shown off

2003 wasn't too bad with the likes of O.TO.GI, Billy H, VF 4 Evo, Dororo, SEGA GT Online , PS Online III
and at least in 2005 you had the SEGA cinema showing off VF 5 , AB Climax, Chromhounds, HOTD IV, Sonic 06 . This year other than Sonic on a dead system it was a complete non event and this is year that marks the start of the new generation too :(.

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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #80 on: June 16, 2013, 09:16:01 pm »
Thread's dead baby, thread's dead...

Offline ROJM

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #81 on: June 17, 2013, 05:27:31 am »
No has confirmed with an interview of the Team in EDGE  Aug 2001 . It was the 1st time the game was shown off and they were pleased with the reaction, more so as the E3  2001 demo and the games was  the result of just  4 weeks of work on the XBox.

Yet is sold like shit. There was a demo doing the rounds before E3 took place in japan. you obviously missed it.

We got just 6 screen shots and before that all we had was what turned out to a faked demo - made to look like the game in real time

ORTA was shown off way before E3 in fact a couple of games were that ended up being previewed at E3. I'm not speaking of any fake demos either. But again you obviously missed it which is strange considering its usually a pattern of behavior of sega to show some footage of games before an actual event takes place. The only time that they don't do that is when they are about to hold a press conference to unveil a top secret game.....

2001 and 2002 where great SEGA E3 for starters .

Not compared to CES and past E3 events before then.

The Wii U isn't sell - that's why its being dropped by 3rd parties and the bad part for Nintendo is the fact that's its not being out sold by the Wii, but by the 360 and PS3 .

So was the MD when it was released in its first year. So was the PSX when it was in its first year. You can't predict how well a system is going to do in its first couple of months let alone its first year when comparing it to older systems that are cheaper and more importantly have more games for it. The DC had a great sales launch when it was first released in america, but we all know what happened with that in the long run. So to say that this is the way its going to be for the WiiU for the next few years is really a lack of intelligence and ignorance of learning from previous generations. lets wait till the other two systems come out and see their sales performance and the WiiU performance against them before we jump on the WiiU's doom.

That year was a great show for SEGA with the likes of MonkeyBall 2, Orta,  , SEGA GT , ToeJame and Earl ,Shinobi ,Beach Spikers and GunGrave all shown off

Two good E3's(in your opinion) compared to eleven years of Sega E3s where nothing happened. That's why i find you and a few others rant on Sega's showing or lack of showing at E3 ridiculous. History shows that Sega hasn't put much of an event at E3, yet you lot are acting that they've always had. Especially on your part as its really an unveiled attempt to attack me. Did i want to see something new from sega. yes. Disappointed? Yep. But was I surprised they didn't? No because of what they've done in previous E3s. I'm not going to get into a tizzyfit because sega chose not to show anything at E3 when its pointless to do so.

« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 05:35:10 am by ROJM »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #82 on: June 17, 2013, 10:45:19 am »
I know I'm late to this discussion but... Why are people still discussing SEGA's strategy? I thought they made it clear several times over and you can put me in the disappointed camp but for other reasons.

I am fine with SEGA only releasing a select few franchises, even if this means Yakuza 5 should be sacrificed (Yakuza 5 will not get translated, the sheer size means it will have to do very well to be profitable, took me over 30 hours to complete the story alone) but my issue is that titles like Miku and PSO2 should have been at E3. Not having a title releasing in August nor having a title they have said they will bring over yet hold back showcasing is bad decision and shows the problem at SEGA American plain and simple. I am also concerned what is happening to CA's Alien game...

But the fact is now with Company of Heroes, SEGA has more than enough big titles for the West to not bother with their Japanese titles. Rome II will do a million plus, Company of Heroes 2 will do over 2 million easily (Original did over 4 million) and Sonic will do a good amount, probably in the 2 million region too. And that is going to be their main focus; Sonic, Company of Heroes, Total War, Warhammer, Aliens and Football Manager.

We might not like it but it will be the most successful SEGA has been here in the West for a long time and it's financial suicide for them to continue down the path they were going in.

As for SEGA's presence at E3...  other japanese publishers have been absent as well. Strange but it seems many japanese publishers have been either absent or have few games at e3 for some reason

With the exception of Namco, what other major third party is absent?

Konami made a big splash with Metal Gear Solid V and the new Pro Evo is probably going to slowly start to challenge FIFA again, Capcom had Dead Rising 3 whilst Square showed off two big games (even if they have bad J-pop band members as the main characters)

And in general Japanese games were the strongest they have been in a long time, Killer Within, Gran Turismo 6, Sonic: Lost World, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Dead Souls 2. If anything, this was the E3 that Japan returned in style.

And as for Sonic Lost World, don't be fooled by the excitement on Neogaf and Sonic-related websites, the gaming industry and gaming press at large does not give a flying hoot about this game nor the excitement over the prospect of exclusive Sonic deals on Nintendo's Wii U.

Nintendo didn't even bother to have a proper conference, so this "alliance" has already proven to be unhealthy out of the gate.

The game industry in general do not give a hoot about Sonic, if they did then I certainly did not see it in the excitement for Sonic & Allstars Racing Transformed nor Sonic Generations. People have to understand Sonic Team's continued incompetence has damaged the brand to the point its a b-tier series. And if Nintendo is paying for exclusivity then what difference does it make to SEGA?

People should also remember even the disaster know as the Gamecube, which the Wii U is currently tracking as, still managed to sell 2 Sonic titles that both did over a million. Besides the fact its on the 3DS also helps it substantially.

At least Nintendo showed off Bayonetta 2 which looks great. Sega can eat a dick for not publishing this themselves.

That was not SEGA's decision to make.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #83 on: June 17, 2013, 11:41:49 am »

That was not SEGA's decision to make.

Wasn't it though?  Weren't they the ones who pointed PG towards Nintendo?  I remember reading as such in an interview about the subject. 

Offline jonboy101

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #84 on: June 17, 2013, 01:04:30 pm »
Wasn't it though?  Weren't they the ones who pointed PG towards Nintendo?  I remember reading as such in an interview about the subject. 

Moreover, they own the IP. It was their decision to even let Platinum make it, as far as I can tell.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #85 on: June 17, 2013, 01:36:53 pm »
Wasn't it though?  Weren't they the ones who pointed PG towards Nintendo?  I remember reading as such in an interview about the subject. 

Moreover, they own the IP. It was their decision to even let Platinum make it, as far as I can tell.

SEGA pointed Platinum towards Nintendo but not because they didn't want Bayonetta 2 or cancelled it because they could not afford the development.

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #86 on: June 17, 2013, 02:37:09 pm »
Which is why I think the best way we'd see a Shenmue 3 is if one of the console makers funded it.

I thought that's how it would go with the Xbox... then with the 360. :P

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #87 on: June 17, 2013, 03:11:46 pm »
I think Sega's on the right track of having other studios develop their games.  Dimp's has done alot of the past Sonic games for Nintendo's systems..  Sega's name is still attached to Bayonetta, even if they didn't publish it.  Just like how Sega's name is attached still to the Sakura Wars that was released on the PS2, but published by NIS.  No different than with Bayonetta.  In the long run, it makes sense.  Sega can't afford to make/publish the games.  So why not have another studio buy the rights to make a game using their IP and sell it?  Sega still gets a cut of the profits.  Who's not to say...and I try really hard to stay out of this Shenmue III stuff...but maybe they've tried to get a studio interested in taking on the Shenmue IP to make Shenmue III, or don't feel they've found a studio yet that will do it justice the way fans are expecting?

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #88 on: June 17, 2013, 06:09:38 pm »
SEGA pointed Platinum towards Nintendo but not because they didn't want Bayonetta 2 or cancelled it because they could not afford the development.

Exactly, they had first option to publish it, but didn't. I'll still buy a Wii U to play it, and hopefully at least a few other good games are on the console by the time it releases.

But anyway, as you said they'll likely never translate Yakuza 5, how was it playing through in Japanese? I think I might just import it.

Offline jonboy101

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Re: SEGA at E3 2013
« Reply #89 on: June 17, 2013, 06:32:06 pm »
I think Sega's on the right track of having other studios develop their games.  Dimp's has done alot of the past Sonic games for Nintendo's systems..  Sega's name is still attached to Bayonetta, even if they didn't publish it.  Just like how Sega's name is attached still to the Sakura Wars that was released on the PS2, but published by NIS.  No different than with Bayonetta.  In the long run, it makes sense.  Sega can't afford to make/publish the games.  So why not have another studio buy the rights to make a game using their IP and sell it?  Sega still gets a cut of the profits.  Who's not to say...and I try really hard to stay out of this Shenmue III stuff...but maybe they've tried to get a studio interested in taking on the Shenmue IP to make Shenmue III, or don't feel they've found a studio yet that will do it justice the way fans are expecting?

I'm not sure I like where they're going, personally. Sega can afford to publish games; they're making more profit now than they have since 1995. Time to loosen the belt, I say. Dimps and Sumo might be solid, but there have been plenty of third parties (like Gearbox) that have done piss poor jobs and are killing Segas credibility. Aliens is probably the worst fiasco since Sonic 06, and it was an external studio. And it isn't as though this was Gearbox's first time at bat either; reviews for Samba de Amigo's port were pretty mediocre. I don't remember thunderous applause for other projects either. Alpha Protocol, End of Eternity, etc. etc. didn't exactly put Sega back on the map.

Instead of giving money to other studios, Sega should be pumping money into their own development houses. Sonic Team aside, most of the other studios have been doing fine, and, if anything, could stand to be more ambitious. Now, even Sonic Team seems to be getting better. Stop financing Alpha Protocol or Alien Syndrome and having your homegrown talent waste away making Brain Training games or Sega Race TV. It's no wonder all Sega's talent is leaving or long gone; Sega's too busy giving money to GearBox to finance another console version of Valkyrie of the Battlefield.

I don't understand why Sega can't spend more on advertising and publishing things like Bayonetta. God knows it will make the money back, and the free press it will be getting as a killer ap for the Wii U will be phenomenal. Nintendo would probably pay some of the advertising out of sheer desperation. Why let them publish it? I know Sega has money; they're just being stingy at this point. They still think its 1998 or something.

It is Sega's IP; their development studios could do it if Platinum refused to let Sega publish or something. It isn't as if AM-2 has had its hands full lately. What have they been doing, besides updating Borderbreak and Virtua Fighter these days? Getting rid of pop-up in Daytona?

Shenmue will not sell, much less push hardware. It didnt push the Dreamcast; why in God's name would you think it'd sell PS4's?