There's speculation going around that EA ditched nintendo for that as one of the reasons. But yeah as true that could be, i doubt that was the main reason.
Ugh, I hate EA with a passion.
Not just because of things like that, but for forcing SEGA's hand, ditching them when SEGA needed them on board the Dreamcast and shitty practises.
I know people hate Nintendo, and I don't agree with most of their business practises, but EA are just a horrible company that needs to go bankrupt...the developers can all branch off to better companies (Sony being one of them).
I don't like Activision either, they do the same shit as EA and get off more lightly because everyone laughs at their COD games being milked.
DRM needs to not be on disc based games...seriously. I made a rant in the "Divorced" thread (if you don't get the joke, look up X1 in Japanese), and I feel the same way here.
I do respect Sony, they have good ideas and do things different to both SEGA and Nintendo, but if they decide to go ahead with this, I will lose so much respect for them and wait until the tail-end of Next Gen to buy the console.
**I also hate Capcom, but that conversation is for another topic.