Given I'm not a twitter twit, it be a miss for me. But that's fine, even I can't play all these games.
I never won any giveaway campaign in Twitter, not even once. Meanwhile in Facebook I have won four times.
They aren't my preferences, but I still think it's kind of stupid they can't put games like Sonic Dash or Speed Battle on PC. Like, really, using the arrow jeys instead of figner sliding really that difficult of a translation?
The graphic wouldn't look as good on big PC screen.
I suppose good for Nintendo... even though they ain't my cup of tea.
I never care about Nintendo ... until SEGA made games for them.
Game Boy Advance was my first Nintendo system and its first game of course are SEGA games
(Gunstar Super Heroes, Super Monkey Ball Jr. Sonic Battle, Chuchu Rocket, Columns Crown)