While I was on vacation, the topic came up about what the worst movie ever made was. While we didn't reach a conclusion, one of the strong points brought up was that while there are several bad movies out there, many that are deemed "the worst ever made" are unfairly labeled as such. For example, "Plan 9 From Outer Space" is called the worst movie ever made... but it really isn't. It was made on a low budget, general audiences had no expectations for it (I question if many even knew of it at the time), the director's previous work did not scream "this man can make a great film!". With all this against it, it ended up being a pretty bad film. But it isn't unwatchable. In fact, it does tell a cohesive (if silly) story, Ed Wood shows that he is capable enough to edit, light, dress sets, and write. At most, it's cheap, cheesy, and funny to watch if only because Wood makes several bad decisions as a filmmaker even if he knows how to produce a film.
There are movies that are worse than Plan 9, such as Manos the Hands of Fate and The Beast of Yucca Flats. They are boring, unfocused, hard to follow. But again, I'd argue that they are not the worst movies ever made.
To me, what makes a bad movie the worst ever made is when a big budget film with a competent cast and crew fail miserably. I think a film with great effort put behind it, and with high expectations , that ends up being awful is far worse a film than a small unknown producing something that is awful simply because they didn't have the money or training or creative skills to pull something off.
Having said all that, I'm wondering what people here deem the "worst game ever made"?
I see people pointing towards games like "Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing" - but as bad as it is, was it ever a game that people EXPECTED to be good, or a game that had any sort of hype?
Based on my opinions on bad films, I'd lean more towards Superman: The New Adventures for Nintendo 64 or Sonic the Hedgehog '06 being the worst games ever made.