Author Topic: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed  (Read 4318 times)

Offline max_cady

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Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:40:38 am »
Missed a show during it's original run and decided to watch all of it? This is the topic for you to praise or take your anger out on it. Was the show as good as your friends or critics said it was? Or were they all full of crap? This is the topic for you. Expect Spoilers!

Fortunately, I have an example...


After plowing through 8 seasons of this loveable murdering psychopath, I only have this to say: the show completely falls apart after S4, IMO. I shouldn't be shocked because [spoilers] the first four seasons were loosely based around the 6 novels. In the end of the final novel, Dexter's wife, Rita is murdered and he simply waits(while clutching his infant son) for the police officers to arrive and arrest him because there was no scenario in which he wouldn't spend time in jail due to his actions in the novel. The TV show on the hand, convinientely does away with that, because the story at this point is hugely different, despite having the same outcome.[/spoilers]

I felt that [spoilers]Rita's character, who was portrayed as kinda of a ditz in the novels, actually felt like a full fledged character with genuine heart and her interactions with him made the whole thing endearing.

Her death was shocking, tragic which would have made for the perfect series finale, versus the moronic  series ending from S8.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 10:42:17 am by max_cady »

Offline nuckles87

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Re: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 10:24:22 am »
I first regularly watched Cowboy Bebop on DVD about 10 years after it's first run, but I didn't see the final two episodes until they aired on Toonami last year.

Spectacular series, easily the best dub of its era. It's easy to see why it's so well loved but I'm surprised as hell that it was actually a big success on American television. Spectacular music, animation, story, acting, and it's just so different...I first wanted to see it because people compared it to Firefly, but it really is its own thing. I still need to see the movie.

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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Re: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2014, 11:19:12 pm »
It's been a while since I've seen an episode of Samurai Jack all the way, and, seeing Aku on billboards eating a sandwich is a really odd sight for me. Can't wait to see more of it, though.

Offline Nameless 24

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Re: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 05:45:53 pm »
Breaking Bad.

I don't know what to make of it. It's certainly overhyped but I guess it has some quality to it.
Big fan of Claymore, Miria in particular.

Currently playing Yakuza 0.

Offline max_cady

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Re: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2014, 05:09:24 am »
Rewatched the last season of Dexter again... Nothing made me change my mind: It's still pure bull***.

Offline Nathan Dunsmore

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Re: Late to the Party - Impressions on TV Shows that you missed
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2015, 02:05:25 am »
Recently watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer in its entirety on Roku after catching some reruns on Pivot (nothing else on late night tv). Now I'm plowing through it's spin-off, Angel, and I think each season gets better and better. Great story arks and aggressively likable characters. I was saddened to find out the actor who portrayed Lorne had passed away almost 6 years ago. I'm glad they made his character a regular on the show.

I have a friend who LOVES Dexter and I tried watching the show based on his recommendation but it never hooked me in. After a few episodes it just felt like the show took to long to develop its plot lines. *shrug*.

Another show I recently caught up on is Black Mirror. It's a BBC program that's akin to the Twilight Zone and focuses on the perils of modern technology. Having caught all 6 episodes on Roku, I must say I found myself liking each one less than the last. It's well made and it has some thought provoking ideas, therefore I grant the series its themes and its skill. But for now I'll stick with Night Visions and Tales From the Crypt for my anthology kicks.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 02:20:24 am by Nathan Dunsmore »