I'm reading some religious stuff - really into making myself a better person.
Also reading Dali & I. Awesome book. Just started it though.
If you want to be a better person, exercise regularly, eat your fruit and vegetables, remember the saying 'treat others how you'd like to be treated' and masturbate on a regular basis.
Reading religious stuff wont help you... In fact most religious people I meet are the complete opposite. Horribly narrow minded, intolerant of others that do not share their opinions and often not that bright.
If you want to believe in a god go for it, Any god you like. But don't base to much of your life around being religious... It shouldn't take up more then a few minutes of your day. If you have to be god fearing to be a good person then you have some serious issues.
If you want guidance for living in this day and age an extremely dated glorified rule book that was written for a completely different time isn't going to be your best bet for living in the year 2010.
The bible like all religious documents of all religions was written by mortal men and as the bible says men are sinners, biased and are likely to twist what they write in the bible into what they think is right. Thats why taking any holy text as the word of god is a bit silly.
That’s just my 2 cent.