Just like with MSR. But everyone knows that MSR was a Bizarre Creations title and the IP is doing a fat lot of good to SEGA .
Yawn a lot of good Project Gotham is doing for Microsoft too....
Most games published by a corp will be funded by the corp in question . I don't consider Grandia to be a ESP developed title but a Game Arts one, Just like I don't Radiant SilverGun to be a ESP title but a Treasure developed game.
That's you but in the tradition of Sega especially when they were a console maker it is. Sega second party covers that spectrum. Me saying its a Sega title isn't off the mark.
We would if the last one sold , but it was bit of flop and Sammy don't like flops or taking any sort of risks .
Then i guess you should have told Sega Sammy that when they gave Red the go ahead to make that online game. Or when they decided to do those motion comics or what other merc they did in the last two years.
Lots of game flops from specific strong series. That doesn't mean they will give up on it for good. ST can't get done straight away like a title that Sega fully owns. That's always been the reality.
They hold the IP and just like SEGA name will be on the Bay II box, so was Capcom's on the Strider II box for the Mega Drive . That's my point with the IP . Capcom had nothing at all to do with Strider II on the MD and SEGA have nothing at all to do with Bay II on the Wii U , other than both corps holding the IP rights .
WRONG! Sega initially put money into Bay 2 then canned it. You can't cancel a title if it was never on the drawing board. Second Sega will have some credit on the game because they are actually involved in a limited capacity during the beginning of development. Third, Sega helped Platinum get Bay2 off the ground with Nintendo in the first place.
Four, Sega let Platinum have access of the original title which was only added later in the development.And Sega OWNS the first game code.
So keep spinning your bull on the game about Sega's non involvement.
Nothing like the situation with Strider 2.