Author Topic: Is Xenoblade Chronicles X going to be the answer for Phantasy star SP RPG fans?  (Read 7119 times)

Offline CrazyT

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Am I the only one who got a Phantasy star vibe from this?

Offline Happy Cat

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Sorta, mainly from UI elements like the font and such. Never played the original xenoblade but did it have the same font when taking damage on enemies?

Combat wise it looks more like monster hunter, slow paced. which makes sense, Monster Hunter is all the rage in Japan right now, so it makes sense that developers are trying to appeal to that user base. Which is too bad because I tend to find monster hunter boring. Much prefer the fast paced combat of PSO/PSO2.

Offline pirovash88

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I sort of got more of a Star Ocean vibe, the character design is very similar.
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Offline Mengels7

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Watching the E3 video, my thought train was: "What's this?...Kinda looks like PSO...Totally looks like PSO...Is this PSO?!...Can't be PSO...Nope didn't think so..."

Offline inthesky

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  • Altaha Abilia
Sorta, mainly from UI elements like the font and such. Never played the original xenoblade but did it have the same font when taking damage on enemies?

Combat wise it looks more like monster hunter, slow paced. which makes sense, Monster Hunter is all the rage in Japan right now, so it makes sense that developers are trying to appeal to that user base. Which is too bad because I tend to find monster hunter boring. Much prefer the fast paced combat of PSO/PSO2.

In the original Xenoblade the font was different. The numbers signifying damage were heavily stylized. Menu and dialogue aesthetic were a bit plain, sort of conveying an initial impression that Xenoblade was a standard adventure story without a lot of futuristic frills.
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Offline Happy Cat

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In the original Xenoblade the font was different. The numbers signifying damage were heavily stylized. Menu and dialogue aesthetic were a bit plain, sort of conveying an initial impression that Xenoblade was a standard adventure story without a lot of futuristic frills.

I see. Thanks for that info. The damage font that appears the enemy's heads is what makes me think of PSO2 more then anything else, looks very similar. /design-nerd

Offline CrazyT

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I sort of got more of a Star Ocean vibe, the character design is very similar.
Never played Star ocean but I did see a couple of screens. I dunno, is xenoblade X not more like pso in tone compared to star ocean?

I also agree with you Will. It reminds me a lot of pso2 rather than the classic phantasy stars. But its got the big open nature fields which part I do find reminiscent of the classics. It just feels like what could have been the perfect evolution of phantasy star. I always liked pso2 in that department because it got the pso feel right. Xenoblade really looks like a pso fan could have looked for in a single player game. Untill phantasy star nova perhaps

Offline RegalSin

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I think they are talking about the PSO game, not the original game.

The over all, usage of the "Xenogears" world is what is troubling. So far they had three lame boring robot RPG games, that puts you to sleep. Along with strategy war games. However that is what it looks like.

I am pretty sure, all they need is the mechs ( the robot suits ) from the previous games.

I really wish Star Ocean would have an MMORPG, that was built up, like the original SNES game, but feature things from the Blue Sphere and EX series.

XenoGears is alien to everybody, so nobody has anything against it. The story is random sci-fi blah blah Star Treck rubbish, and you can't even take anything seriously.