Do you actually THINK before you post anything? If you were playing Sega games during the sixties and seventies they were completely different to what they were in the eighties
Huh . I seriously doubt many here were born in the 70's , never mind playing SEGA games in that decade or before . I'm willing to bet most here came to love SEGA from the Mega Drive days .
.the same incompetence running the company back in the nineties is the same incompetence running it
Not totally different for the most important reasons for games . In the 90's SEGA was way out in front for cutting edge games, making countless AAA games and was totally blowing away any of its rivals in the Arcades not just for games but for Tech too . Very different to the SEGA Japan were have today , that's seen the creative cutting edge SEGA style totally diminished in terms output both in terms of numbers and good games .
In the 90's we had a SEGA that was leading the field and blowing away people in the Arcades with Tech like Model 1 and 3 Arcade games like VF, Daytona USA, Sega Rally and so on . In the home we had that SEGA cutting edge style with games like Sonic, Virtual Cop, Streets of Rage II, Panzer Dragoon Saga , Shenmue ,Revenge of Shinobi, NiGHTS, Christmas NiGHTS (most prob the best Christmas game ever made) Quackshot , House of the dead II , PS IV and good knows so many more classics its not even funny
Its quite sad to see the SEGA Japan of today