So what I'm getting is that possibly this is a genetic disease that is originating a new specie?
That's stupid. That's like saying that autism is a new human specie evolving.
No, because that isn’t hereditary... and it doesn’t have any benefits.
Let me explain in a simple way.
Imagine there is a white moth that lives in a forest full of white trees... It has one predator... EVIL PIDGEONS!
The moth is perfectly suited to its environment, the white moth can land on a white tree and be somewhat disgusted. Of course every so often an... (autistic) moth is born that is slightly darker then the others, this is a terrible mutation because it's very visible to the EVIL PIDGEONS and gets picked off and nommed upon very quickly.
But, then... a volcano (in Iceland) erupts and a big ash cloud descends on the forest killing all the trees which then turn black... Suddenly the moths are extremely visible to the EVIL PIDGEONS! They start picking them off and nomming them much faster.
Then another darker autistic moth is born... Suddenly, this is a GOOD mutation, chances are while it's still visible because its not THAT dark it'll live longer then the pure white moths on the dark trees. The dark moth lives long enough to have offspring, the offspring also have the hereditary dark mutation, the darkest of THOSE survive longer then the others, then the darkest of the next generation, and the next and the next until the moths are BLACK!
Thats evolution 101, and thats science jack!