Main Baddy design is grade A awesome
Glad to hear you like him, hopefully his boss fight(s) are just as awesome : 3
Congratulations on getting Brock Crocodile on STEAM Greenlight!
Thanks Shadi, now I wait for the votes.
I feel like a politician almost!
So as you all know I started work on the 6th stage, Havoc Waves, which will have Brock chase down some escaped criminals. So far the engine is just going to be slightly modified so that Brock hits top speed in 0.04 seconds and maybe I'll make his jump gravity just a bit stronger. Outside of that the only change is Brock can only do frontal attacks now (Obviously) and the inclusion of ramps to send Brock higher into the sky.
Below are some gifs showing the process in developing the stage, unfortunately do not have anything for the wave creator so we're just going to have to start with Brock surf walking across the sea!'d also like to take this opportunity to show off a new track the music guy, Steve Lakawicz, came up with for the third level Museum Mayhem. Steve's been using DefleMask to pump out the music for Brock and it really helps to make the project feel a lot more authentic and I think this one (Of two) of my personal favourite from him, you can give it a listen
HERE. If you loved Mega Drive/Genesis tunes then I think you'll be in for a treat! The trailer music and first stage song is there too, so pump as much as you want into your veins JRcade : P
Also Steam Greenlight page is up etc etc