But so what? I don't get the concern with micro-transaction... Yeah some developers are sleazy with it and ask for too much but there is a very good balance where it's not really an issue, you can be great at the game and get to the end without paying a single penny... As in the game is entirely free, and that's bloody brilliant... I mean if you pirate everything then I guess it has no affect on you, but getting a pretty damn great game like TW for free makes me very happy!
I don't know why people feel so conned... Previously you'd have paid what? £25 at least for a brand new TW game, very probably more! Now you can download it free, try it out free and if you don't like it then fuck it off at no cost to you at all... Alternatively if you like it you can also play to the end at no extra cost... And if you like it enough to play to the end why is it such a bad thing to buy some in game items or currency or whatever and actually pay the developer for a game they've slaved over and allowed you to have free?
Personally I think f2p is one of the best developments in gaming history... Especially for online games like TW:Kingdoms or PSO2 because theres no risk of the server becoming a ghost town, its open to everyone.
But you aren't getting a traditional Total War for Free. You're getting this game for free which is utterly and completely different. And if it's built around micro-transactions the aim is probably not to be fun, but rather to make the game as tedious as possible until you pay money to stop it being tedious.
I'm not saying the game will definitely be like that, but I'm cautious about it now. I might try it for free, but the minute it starts impeding me with a pay-wall I'm dropping it. I'd rather pay a lump sum and have a game that's designed for me to enjoy it rather than extort me to pay more.
THAT is the business model I'm afraid of. What did you have in mind for Free to Play? I'm thinking you're picturing an old Share Ware style model where you can get the first bit of the game free and then pay for the rest if you like it? Like a demo?
From what I've read it will NOT work like that.
I was really hoping this would be a 'pay once, play' game. As soon as I read it was going to be free to play but with micro transactions in game I lost almost all hope I had.
As for this game looking great, how do you think it compares to other Strategy games on PC that are similar but built from the ground up to be paid games instead? Total War Battles looks good, but I'd rather buy Age of Wonders 3 or something if it's going to have invasive monetization.
I would really like to see them make a 'Premium' game I can buy that's say, $10 or $20 (not sure what they are aiming for in this game) and then a Free version that has the micro-transactions. I would go the pay up front model any day. Although these payment options are usually tied strongly to the game design so I doubt it would work well at all.
EDIT: Also I'm not trying to be difficult or negative, if that's how I'm coming off. I just do have a problem with this pay model and I'm trying to explain why I have concerns over it, especially in relation to this game.