Going with that, besides Bayonetta, Zombiu, Fatal Frame and Xenoblade, their efforts have been pretty meh. The less said about the abomination that is Starfox Zero, the better.
Yeah, man. Fuck making Star Fox a rail shooter again and returning it to form, where are my shitty Zelda clones plastered with Fox titties? Now that's a Star Fox game!
Anyway, the WiiU is a far better console for Nintendo fans (Except if you're a 3D Mario guy) than the Wii and the Wii was ridiculously well received because of the casual shit they managed to popularize. I could give a fuck about how badly it's doing saleswise, it's a return of focus to the fans that grew their brand. Sure, it's an anemic one and the games are coming out at a snail's pace and the NX is sure to kill whatever effort they're pouring into it but if it has good games, I'll buy it. It's not complicated. I bought one for Smash and Bayonetta 2 alone.
Which is to say, the WiiU is a shittier Gamecube (With better action games) but hey, in this day and age, that's better than nothing. Not like the echo chamber third party support polluting the Xbox and PS4 make either console worthwhile. And don't even get me started on the pedantic performance blabbering - MY COD RUNS 3.4 FPS HIGHER THAN YOUR COD AND WITH SLIGHTLY IRRELEVANT HIGHER RESOLUTION, MY CONSOLE OF CHOICE JUST WON THE WAR, ROUND'S ON ME - It all comes down to exclusive games, which are also coming at a snail's pace.
That said, Square Enix are some devious fucks by marketing the FF7 remake with exclusive content from a console that will never even get the remake in the first place, I fucking love it. But at the end of the day, it's not like Nintendo is missing out on anything, Smash is only becoming more and more of a special snowflake when it comes to crossovers. Literally nothing gets close to it. And as bizarre as this might some to some people, Smash or Mario Kart are the very definition of a system seller.