Those are nice ideas.
I remember Jesse Pajamas could made relaxing christmas version of any Sonic songs,
too bad his channels are deleted now.
What I'm trying to say is that .. it is not have to be based on Sonic's snow levels.
It could just be Christmas remix version of any Sonic song.
But I guess Sonic official channel just adapt "it's got to be something perfect or nothing at all" and choose the later.
As long as they don't leave it last minute as Nintendo did. It's not like Christmas is just announced unexpectedly.
And yeah christmas remixed versions of other stage songs could work as well.
As for where Sonic's yule long should be I dunno. So far all I can think of is:
- Professor Pickle's study, preferably the one at Spagonia University. Though I can't recall if his study had a fireplace or not. Problem is given his study was such a small and somewhat generic place I doubt it would be that recignisable to the Sonic franchise.
- Somewhere in the Resistance HQ, though honestly we just seen a room of th HQ which consist of a main computer and some crates, nowhere that looks homely for Christmas let alone a fireplace.
- Instead of a fireplace inside somewhere, instead the yule log could be placed on a campfire located in a zone. Maybe at Ice Cap, (either Sonic 3 or Adventure), White Park Zone, Holoska, Frozen Factory, Press Garden Zone or Glacierland. While Green Hill may seem the most Sonic-recognisable place, I always found Green Hill too tropical to believe it can snow there.
If I were to choose a place, my choice would be
White Park Grand Chateau. However it depends how many people have read the IDW comics to know what that place is like or can even imagine it like Sonic at all.
EDIT: Decided to try and make my own Sonic Yule Log video. However given it's Christmas Eve now I doubt I'll have it finish by Christmas. But if it looks decent I'll post it next year. So far I made a fireplace using textures from Twinkle Park, including the red carpet texture. I just need a good wall texture. Will try to recreate Station Square christmas trees.