Like gender and sexuality identity? That has became more complicated in recent past now that there is a whole rainbow of snowflakes to choose from.
There are always two sides of every coin.
For some people who's identity feels being repressed before, for them it's a good thing to know that they are not alone.
But there are always among them then went too far and insulted / attacked everybody who's not agree with them and forced them to change their preference.
For example... attacking a card maker just because the card is like this?
And then attacking Biology teachers or people who pronouns them wrong. How insane and low can they go? The world aren't spinning around them.
They became as toxic as Sonic and Genshin fandom, and hurt some that just want to be accepted and nothing more than that.
I'm the same with Teen Titans Go!, I loath it but I still watch it because I miss the original Teen Titan show I love.
You missed the original too much. I only watch two or three episodes of Teen Titans Go! and then gave up.