I'm glad Hogwarts made it to number #1 given all those protest around J.K. Rowling of recent years. Some of those protestors saying Hogwarts Legacy should be boycotted because of it, which as we all know make great marketing when protestors tell us what not to buy.
Still, what pisses me off about those who think Rowling is a transphobe or criticize her work because of her stance, at one point they loved her work before the controversy.
Also, the reason why J.K. Rowling is against transgender rights is not because she fears trans-people, but she fears perverts taking advantage of trans right, such as cisgendered males hanging around in womens toilets claiming it's their trans rights to be there.
Regardless if you disagree with me or her, can we at least accept Hogwarts Legacy is fun? I found it nostalgic for the Harry Potter games I grew up with before Goblet of Fire.
While JK Rowlings might not be a transphobe, funny thing is ... in Indonesia most people would pick JK Rowlings' side not because there are so many transphobes here.
LGBTQ+ things are condemned by most people here, so it's kinda like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing.
For me, people should say whatever they want to say freely, even if it feels uncomfotable for other people.
I'm not a fan of Harry Potter but I did read the books and always watched the movies in cinemas with my girlfriend (now she's my wife) back then because she is a fan.
All Harry Potter books that I read were belong to her.
Not a fan with "the chosen one" or "the protagonist is a descedant of famous heroes in the past" kind of story but I do like the supporting characters and settings of the story, especially Hogwarts.