Author Topic: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition  (Read 15022 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2015, 04:16:43 am »
I have to disagree with you on a few points. I think that the multi-layered arenas were interesting, but they were removed for a reason. It made the game awfully hard to balance, if you watch tournament matches of VF3, towards the end of the game's life most people only played on select stages since many were unbalanced to 1p or 2p side thanks to the elevation

I thought they added to game and made it look a massive leap on what went before and need to be brought back,. What I didn't like in VF3 was the escape button and also the speed of the game felt slower. 

Weather effects are kinda in VF5 already. Water splashing on Lau's stage, snow and sand being displaced on the ground and if you end up in the water for a ring out, the next stage the players are actually wet. Nice little touches.

Yes but there don't affect the player at all . If you're going to have weather, then in this day and age that should now direclty affect the players on screen. Kind of like how fighting Dural in VF 2 underwater was like fighting in slow motion , but take to the next level so stages with snow, water , sand have their own feel and style instead of just being there for eye candy and affecting player input

Interactive stages I'm not a fan of either. Again it is kind of asymmetrical and can benefit one side of the screen, which I really don't like. Walls/Low Walls/Ring Out is interactive already, with different combos/damage and ring-out opportunities available for all of them. What did you have in mind?

In game the skill of using the enviroment to your advanatge , just like skilled players will use ringouts to their's . Loved the big pay off's and set pices in the likes of DOA 2, DOA 3 and Fighting Vipers 2 Fighters Mega Mix  - when you see players crashing and smashing through stuff .  Not for every stage , but some need to be in VF 6 (if SEGA are makiing it)
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2015, 07:54:38 am »
I can see you are trying to turn the game into something it's not.
VF is a game of precision and consistency, which is what sets it apart from the others. Adding in weather effects that affect player input would be fun to look at, but doesn't add anything to the game. What exactly do you want to be affected? People slipping and sliding etc? Then you need to learn the effects of 200 moves in three different weather conditions? That's just adding complexity for the sake of aesthetics.

As for stage interactions, I HATE those in fighting games. They are fun the first time you see them, then you wish you could remove them because instead of playing the game you're watching a cutscene. I hope VF never has these.

This stuff might be fun additions for a 'crazy mode' though, which would be cool. Add in 'slippery floor' mode or something and see how it goes.

The only valid one is VF3, but again, having stages that undulate like they did in 3 wasn't popular with the audience. Most players preferred to go back to relatively flat stages. What happens with your move-set on an uneven terrain? Does your high punch just whiff if the opponent is too low? It's too hard to be consistent and too many variables for not a lot of gain IMO.

I can understand the appeal, but I think it would be supremely difficult to balance and make it work.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2015, 01:42:31 pm »
For the traditional two new characters, I'd like to see Sega leverage Shenmue as it has VF DNA.

Ryo Hazuki (Jiu Jitsu) and Jianmin Tao (Chen Taichi).

Jianmin is MADE for VF. He has a style that hasn't been represented yet, and like all the VF characters, is the best in that style in the Sega universe.

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2015, 02:30:01 pm »
For the traditional two new characters, I'd like to see Sega leverage Shenmue as it has VF DNA.

Ryo Hazuki (Jiu Jitsu) and Jianmin Tao (Chen Taichi).

Jianmin is MADE for VF. He has a style that hasn't been represented yet, and like all the VF characters, is the best in that style in the Sega universe.

Jianmin and Tai Chi would be a cool addition to the game, but I worry the character would be too similar to Shun in appearance.

Ryo I really don't think would fit to be honest, he's just a mish-mash of various other VF moves, mostly Akira's. I'd rather they have costume options to make Akira look exactly like Ryo instead.

I'd personally love to see them finally bring back Siba from VF1's prototype.

I also forgot to address this:
* More character intros, make everyone talk in their native language and have small character alternative intros (like have a Pai and Lau have interaction revolving their character's stories). I think its about time this happened, should have been in 5 really.

I feel like character intros might be okay, but they would get skipped 90% of the time anyway.

I want the cheese fest voice acting to continue! I understand they should probably fix it, but they need to keep an option for the old stuff too! Not to mention that I love how in VF everyone asian just speaks Japanese, and everyone else speaks English with an American accent.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #19 on: July 21, 2015, 03:04:59 pm »
Yeah I know it seems like Ryo is just a mishmash of VF characters in Shenmue, but doesn't mean they have to go that route for him as a character in VF proper. He's always claimed Jiujitsu as his "style" so go crazy with that and make it authentic.

Also, an Akira costume pack to look like Ryo just doesn't work. They pretty much made Akira a white dude by VF5.

Also, I've always had trouble seeing Ryo as Akira in VF:RPG as it was apparently meant to be. Like it doesn't seem natural that Ryo would "grow up" to become Akira. Akira just has his own personality, mainly that of an asshole who for 10 years has been yelling at me that I'm "10 years behind him".

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2015, 07:24:40 am »
What exactly do you want to be affected? People slipping and sliding etc? Then you need to learn the effects of 200 moves in three different weather conditions? That's just adding complexity for the sake of aesthetics.

Yes but I like to see the sand and snow affect the players on sceen. The moves would be the same just like how Fifa controls and plays the same but the game plays that bit different in the wet .

As for stage interactions, I HATE those in fighting games. They are fun the first time you see them, then you wish you could remove them because instead of playing the game you're watching a cutscene. I hope VF never has these

Thought they were brilliant in Fighting vipers and the likes of DOA. Also VF does change,  in the original there was no walls , that was brought in to some of the stages in VF 2 .

The only valid one is VF3, but again, having stages that undulate like they did in 3 wasn't popular with the audience

To some it's the best VF game ever made. I liked the game, but hated the speed of the game and the escape button was a bit pointless .

My trouble was VF 5 was the big step up I hoped it would have been . VF 6 needs to be a massive leap for me and I don't mean just adding in yet more characters or with better graphics

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2015, 09:11:01 am »
The moves would be the same just like how Fifa controls and plays the same but the game plays that bit different in the wet .
You mean completely braking the game and forcing error on actions you would otherwise be precise about? No thanks.
Problem with that idea is that you end up introducing error on the player. Rather than him changing his playstyle it would just be bothering.

It's not a fun mechanic. Maybe ok for some chillout modes, not as a main aspect.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2015, 09:59:31 am »
You mean completely braking the game and forcing error on actions you would otherwise be precise about? No thanks.
Problem with that idea is that you end up introducing error on the player. Rather than him changing his playstyle it would just be bothering.

No I mean the game controls don't change at all, much like how weather in any game doesn't alter the game controls at all be that a racer or what not.

3D Fighting games are getting very stale and boring for 'me' . Tekken 7 seems to offer nothing new at all and even the graphics don't look great. I like to see VF6 at least try to being some new stuff in and not just a better-looking version of Part 5 with a couple of new characters 
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Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2015, 11:07:29 am »
No I mean the game controls don't change at all, much like how weather in any game doesn't alter the game controls at all be that a racer or what not.

Maybe we are misreading what you are asking for. What do you want to be affected by weather?

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2015, 11:27:01 am »
Maybe we are misreading what you are asking for. What do you want to be affected by weather?

I'm making the point that if stages are to have weather effects then make it affect the characters actions on screen more . So it's there's a stage with rain , if a player enters a puddle (for example) that players  balance could be affect and so they'll more open to a thrown move.

The controls would still be the same and I really like the multi tie stages in the likes of X-Men COT, DOA II, DOA III and DOA 5  and like to see what the AM#2 (or what ever they are called now) staff could come up with
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Offline Randroid

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2015, 02:06:54 pm »
I'm making the point that if stages are to have weather effects then make it affect the characters actions on screen more . So it's there's a stage with rain , if a player enters a puddle (for example) that players  balance could be affect and so they'll more open to a thrown move.

I have to say, this idea has an interesting visual potential. Like if rain is bearing down in one direction the player's face my be angled to show that they are trying to avoid getting it in their eyes. I love noticing the small visual upgrades between the VF versions.

I don't want this affecting gameplay though. It's too circumstantial. Like would the Vanessa's boots have more traction in this case than Pai's slippers? Would it be every time you're in the puddle it decreases throw resistance or just randomly? Yeah, too many variables which either take the outcome away from the player's skill, or impose physics out of reality (every time you're in the puddle you lose throw resistance so make sure you take that into consideration of your game).

I really like the multi tie stages in the likes of X-Men COT, DOA II, DOA III and DOA 5  and like to see what the AM#2 (or what ever they are called now) staff could come up with

Can't be behind this. It was mentioned earlier, but this and "Supers" are in-battle cutscenes. None of those for VF please. Load them up before the battle and after the battle. Go crazy there. Hell, I'd be psyched for Ring Walks during El Blaze's stage, but not in game. Every millisecond of battle should be constant thought and pressure.

That being said, if there was an active VF offshoot fighter, I'd be down for all of the wacky ideas in this thread, just not the VF numbered series.

Offline Randroid

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #26 on: July 22, 2015, 03:19:29 pm »
- Add opportunities for throw escapes for each hit the throw has if the throw has multiple hits.

- Improved grappling/ground combat animations and more options for outcomes when in that mode (Vanessa and Goh).


Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #27 on: July 22, 2015, 06:50:55 pm »
- Add opportunities for throw escapes for each hit the throw has if the throw has multiple hits.

- Improved grappling/ground combat animations and more options for outcomes when in that mode (Vanessa and Goh).

Hmm, an issue with the first one is the issue that DoA and Tekken has, in which chain throws become nearly useless because everyone knows the inputs to break them. You could theoretically make them all multiple outcome throws (eg: Wolf's Catch and Jeffry's Headbutt throws) but then you need to create alternate animations for each direction AND you start to introduce pure guessing into what should be guaranteed damage.

I don't mind Catch Throws having a guessing game like Wolf's Catch and Vanessa's Tackle, since they don't do any damage on their own, so the move becomes sacrificing guaranteed damage to take a risk for more damage. I think it can work, but it's a dangerous route to go down IMO.

I'm making the point that if stages are to have weather effects then make it affect the characters actions on screen more . So it's there's a stage with rain , if a player enters a puddle (for example) that players  balance could be affect and so they'll more open to a thrown move.

The controls would still be the same and I really like the multi tie stages in the likes of X-Men COT, DOA II, DOA III and DOA 5  and like to see what the AM#2 (or what ever they are called now) staff could come up with
I wouldn't mind different animations for idle stances during rain/snow etc, but I think things like affecting move properties is just too much. You're introducing SO many variables by doing that and it's going to affect the game negatively I think.

As for stage transitions etc, I really think most people don't like those. Wall throws in VF are cool and most importantly QUICK. Nobody likes watching long animations while playing the game, it takes you out of the game too much IMO.
I know 100% where you are coming from, but from someone who plays a lot of fighting games, I really prefer it when they don't have that kind of stuff.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: Virtua Fighter 6: Hopes and Dreams Edition
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2015, 04:53:14 am »
I wouldn't mind different animations for idle stances during rain/snow etc, but I think things like affecting move properties is just too much. You're introducing SO many variables by doing that and it's going to affect the game negatively I think.

The game needs more variables and variation imo. The 1 on 1 Fighter is getting very boring now and like with driving games where you just add every more cars in, I don't think it's enough just to add more characters in. I'm really looking forward to Forza 6 because at least we were getting night and weather racing , which will add some variation to a game that was getting a bit stale.

As for stage transitions etc, I really think most people don't like those. Wall throws in VF are cool and most importantly QUICK. Nobody likes watching long animations while playing the game, it takes you out of the game too much IMO.

I think you're going OTT a bit here, for one thing in VF 5 there is some variables like how not all, stages are 16x16 or some have walls and some do not. Looking over that, it was brilliant in the likes of DOA III to send your mate crashing through a neon signs and then continue the fight and the floor below  - It was hardly a long animations, but added to the game imo.
Love to see, what the best people in the business could do with their own multi layer stages and see what the AM#2 Team could come up with their take on DOA 2/3/4 stages for example. Trouble for was each VF for me had its own theme and identity up until VF5; VF 1 and II felt and looked completely different for each other, same went for VF 2 and III and then VF 4 felt really different from III. VF 5 just felt and looked like a graphical upgrade from Part IV.


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