Personally, I have a revulsion about gambling "games." I think they're an ugly and evil concept. From the Wikipedia entry on pachislots:
"The levels provide a rough outcome of between 90% to an astonishing 160% (200% if using skills). Indeed, the Japanese slot machines are "beatable." The parlor operators naturally set most of the machines to collect money, but intentionally place a few paying machines on the floor so that there will be at least someone winning,[
citation needed] encouraging players on the losing machines to keep gambling, using the psychology of the
gambler's fallacy."
Sure, they're "beatable" only if and when the operators set them to be. Otherwise you're guaranteed to lose. It's just a bit perverse that more innocent, fun games are being mined for their happiness and nostalgia factors in order to attract people to these repugnant, depressing machines.