Author Topic: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.  (Read 47168 times)

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #90 on: September 17, 2015, 12:49:02 pm »
Sure there is, they're limiting their audience by releasing these on Sony platforms only. Then again, they're limiting them by not releasing these games in any other region other than Asia.

Very difficult to get excited over 2 new Yakuza games when they may not even make it over here.

But the Playstation platforms are the best selling consoles
Sure there is, they're limiting their audience by releasing these on Sony platforms only. Then again, they're limiting them by not releasing these games in any other region other than Asia.

Very difficult to get excited over 2 new Yakuza games when they may not even make it over here.

Most of these games would only be successful on Playstation platforms or have some form of support from Sony (like Yakuza) and it's best to keep in mind these titles are made for Japan first, then the world.

Besides it's not like the Playstation 4 is some also ran, it's the best selling console worldwide and is beating it's competition even when you combine the sales of the Wii U and Xbox One.

Like excluding Yakuza and Persona, would Miracle Girls sell better on Nintendo 3DS? Will 7th Dragon 3 do better on Vita as opposed to the 3DS? As I mentioned the biggest shame and problem is these games are stuck in Asia, not that they are stuck on the Playstation platform.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #91 on: September 17, 2015, 01:09:02 pm »
That is true. The remake could get some more fans to the series too. It's probably the first time I've been happy about delays too :)

Well I'm a big fan of the first two games, but one has become dated thanks to it's loading I guess. A remake with the Everywhere Majima mechanic sounds cool, just hope it gets localised. If not it's back to importing this series from me.

Yeah, that's the one I watched.  Doesn't seem like anything important was revealed at the RGG presentation though.

Yeah from the sounds of things, only a big name actor attached to Yakuza 6.

Wonder if the whole new IP was just bad translation or not.

Offline Happy Cat

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #92 on: September 17, 2015, 01:17:10 pm »
All of TGS is PlayStation for the most part. It's not fair to blame SEGA alone. Although I guess if you really want to you can blame one of SEGA's best developers. Nagoshi is quite a big fan of PlayStation.

So I guess if you're going to be upset at anyone, be upset at Sony for wanting to make console gaming popular in Japan again. They've invested a lot of money into getting these games console games created, having to convince devs to not put the games on smartphones instead. Something neither MS or Nintendo were willing to do.

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #93 on: September 17, 2015, 01:35:38 pm »
All of TGS is PlayStation for the most part. It's not fair to blame SEGA alone. Although I guess if you really want to you can blame one of SEGA's best developers. Nagoshi is quite a big fan of PlayStation.

So I guess if you're going to be upset at anyone, be upset at Sony for wanting to make console gaming popular in Japan again. They've invested a lot of money into getting these games console games created, having to convince devs to not put the games on smartphones instead. Something neither MS or Nintendo were willing to do.

That's actually a good point, so far the majority of projects are looking to be Playstation family exclusives. The games that caught my eye, Ni-Oh (Team Ninja) Dragon Quest Builders, Heroes 2 and Star Ocean 5 (Square Enix) and Attack on Titan (Koei) have all been Playstation family exclusives. Even Capcom's Umbrella Corp game seems to be ignoring the Xbox One (Strangely?) but coming to PC alongside the Playstation 4 version.

I do think we'll get Xbox One version for some of these games globally, but I do think in general Tokyo Game Show is going to show very little love to either the Xbox One or Wii U.

Also more surprises might be coming from Atlus:

Offline Tad

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #94 on: September 17, 2015, 01:39:18 pm »
Oh, okay. So maybe it's not just Yakuza :)

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #95 on: September 17, 2015, 01:42:50 pm »
Oh, okay. So maybe it's not just Yakuza :)

"It was Atlus Austin, it was Atlus all along!"

I started thinking Satomi might be referring to Atlus' output rather than specifically SEGA when the Yakuza website updated with that timer, since he is the president of all three companies.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #96 on: September 17, 2015, 05:13:25 pm »
Besides it's not like the Playstation 4 is some also ran, it's the best selling console worldwide and is beating it's competition even when you combine the sales of the Wii U and Xbox One.

Sure the PS4 leads this gen, but it didn't last gen and i think had Yakuza games been released on X360 the fanbase for this series would be bigger, especially here in the US. That's why i mean when i say that SEGA has limited the audience of Yakuza games by not going multiplatform. Hell, even the Wii U got an HD port of the first 2 games, no reason for the XBOX not to get a single title here.

So I guess if you're going to be upset at anyone, be upset at Sony for wanting to make console gaming popular in Japan again. They've invested a lot of money into getting these games console games created, having to convince devs to not put the games on smartphones instead. Something neither MS or Nintendo were willing to do.

MS tried last gen, and that still didn't work. The majority of huge JRPGs last gen were release on the XBOX before they hit a Playstation platform and they still didn't sell that well. If Japan isn't ready to accept an American product in their nation, then why should MS spend millions on trying to cater to them?
Gamertag: Pirovash88 Twitch.TV/Pirovash88

Offline George

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #97 on: September 17, 2015, 05:21:37 pm »
You think releasing it on Xbox 360 would save Yakuza? Wishful thinking, especially how different the way games where made, it wouldn't have made its money back on the port. Sorry, while Xbox 360 sold more world wide, the PS3 had a big lead over the 360 in Japan, the games best market.

Offline Radrappy

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #98 on: September 17, 2015, 05:27:31 pm »
I mean if they're serious about making any sort of money they would be releasing Y6 worldwide STAT.  And hey, try marketing it this time Sega. 

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #99 on: September 17, 2015, 05:40:13 pm »
Sure the PS4 leads this gen, but it didn't last gen and i think had Yakuza games been released on X360 the fanbase for this series would be bigger, especially here in the US. That's why i mean when i say that SEGA has limited the audience of Yakuza games by not going multiplatform. Hell, even the Wii U got an HD port of the first 2 games, no reason for the XBOX not to get a single title here.

There's several factors to consider;

1. The Playstation series of home consoles have been the dominating devices since the original release with the exception of last gen which now seems like an oddity rather than a general rule (Not that it'll last since consoles don't have much left in them I fear.) so it'd be more logical to support that platform than any other.

2. SEGA actually approached all three console manufacturer prior to the release of Yakuza and who would be willing to support the title. Only Sony showed any interest and this is why the series has been established solely for Sony's consoles from the get go.

3. Yakuza is made first for Japan and than everywhere else, now if the original Yakuza game made a sizable splash, it might have slowly shifted to a worldwide focus. As it is it hasn't.  This returns to the bit you mentioned about Nintendo, Nintendo has a sizable stronghold in Japan, which is why SEGA attempted to broaden the franchise on the Wii U, it failed. What makes you think the Xbox would be any different?

It's best to remember the Xbox 360 in general saw lower sales for Japanese titles vs Western titles, now this could be because they were poorer than their Western counterpart, but it's not like the 360 itself showed it had a decent userbase of gamers who liked Japanese developed games. It's the reason why series like Star Ocean, Idolmaster, Tales Of... etc went back to the Playstation family of consoles after their failure of trying to break into the Western market via the Xbox brand.

Offline Phantasos

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #100 on: September 17, 2015, 05:54:02 pm »
You think releasing it on Xbox 360 would save Yakuza? Wishful thinking, especially how different the way games where made, it wouldn't have made its money back on the port. Sorry, while Xbox 360 sold more world wide, the PS3 had a big lead over the 360 in Japan, the games best market.

Not save it but it would help drive sales on the west patch of the big ol' blue world. There's a significant Xbox presence everywhere except Japan. That's why old PS exclusives went multiplat like Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts and even games that are slightly more niche that only helped to drive more sales like Devil May Cry.

Thing is, shit just wouldn't hurt the the brand. Part of the problem of Yakuza's debut in the west was how it was advertised as a GTA killer cause of the whole Japanese mafia angle when it's nothing of the sort when it comes to the actual game.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #101 on: September 18, 2015, 09:54:23 am »
You think releasing it on Xbox 360 would save Yakuza?

Definitely not what i was insinuating.

There's several factors to consider;

1. The Playstation series of home consoles have been the dominating devices since the original release with the exception of last gen which now seems like an oddity rather than a general rule (Not that it'll last since consoles don't have much left in them I fear.) so it'd be more logical to support that platform than any other.

2. SEGA actually approached all three console manufacturer prior to the release of Yakuza and who would be willing to support the title. Only Sony showed any interest and this is why the series has been established solely for Sony's consoles from the get go.

3. Yakuza is made first for Japan and than everywhere else, now if the original Yakuza game made a sizable splash, it might have slowly shifted to a worldwide focus. As it is it hasn't.  This returns to the bit you mentioned about Nintendo, Nintendo has a sizable stronghold in Japan, which is why SEGA attempted to broaden the franchise on the Wii U, it failed. What makes you think the Xbox would be any different?

It's best to remember the Xbox 360 in general saw lower sales for Japanese titles vs Western titles, now this could be because they were poorer than their Western counterpart, but it's not like the 360 itself showed it had a decent userbase of gamers who liked Japanese developed games. It's the reason why series like Star Ocean, Idolmaster, Tales Of... etc went back to the Playstation family of consoles after their failure of trying to break into the Western market via the Xbox brand.

1. I'd hardly call it an anomaly. I think MS took advantage of Sony missteps last gen, and it's vice versa this time around.

2. I can understand being loyal to Sony because of this, but they're really limiting themselves by not going multiplatform.

3. Keep in mind that i'm not referring to an XBOX release of Yakuza in Japan, i'm taking about the Western Market. I do think that had Yakuza been released on the XBOX in the US, it would have a bigger fanbase. Let's not forget that the Wii U hardly has a Market in Japan. I believe more Wii U's have been purchased in the US, than in it's home territory.

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Offline Aki-at

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #102 on: September 18, 2015, 10:14:27 am »

1. I'd hardly call it an anomaly. I think MS took advantage of Sony missteps last gen, and it's vice versa this time around.

Sure they did, but even with the Playstation brand faltering, Sony still managed to turn it around and be level with the Xbox brand by the end. Furthermore, the Playstation 1 and 2 are still the best selling home consoles of all time with the Playstation 4 looking to follow suite.

2. I can understand being loyal to Sony because of this, but they're really limiting themselves by not going multiplatform.

I disagree, what are we looking at, an additional 10,000 sales at best? Considering how poorly Yakuza sells on the Playstation platform? Would an Xbox port be enough to justify costs? Looking unlikely, they can't even justify localisation on Playstation without even thinking about the Xbox brand.

Furthermore, with Yakuza 6 looking to be a Playstation 4 exclusive, it seems Sony is keen to keep the series on their platform.

3. Keep in mind that i'm not referring to an XBOX release of Yakuza in Japan, i'm taking about the Western Market. I do think that had Yakuza been released on the XBOX in the US, it would have a bigger fanbase. Let's not forget that the Wii U hardly has a Market in Japan. I believe more Wii U's have been purchased in the US, than in it's home territory.

I know you were referring to the Western market but Yakuza is a series that is developed FIRST for Japan. In this regard it would make since for the Wii U receive a port to test the water, that absolutely tanked and so SEGA probably shelved the idea of making the series for Wii U + PS3 and so on.

I still don't see why you think Xbox version would increase the Yakuza series significantly. I don't see any reason to think so when Japanese games in general sell better on Playstation platforms. If we use that rule, we're only looking at a further 5,000 - 15,000 extra units sold in America, hardly anything to write home about.

Offline pirovash88

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #103 on: September 18, 2015, 11:56:30 am »

Sure they did, but even with the Playstation brand faltering, Sony still managed to turn it around and be level with the Xbox brand by the end. Furthermore, the Playstation 1 and 2 are still the best selling home consoles of all time with the Playstation 4 looking to follow suite.

I disagree, what are we looking at, an additional 10,000 sales at best? Considering how poorly Yakuza sells on the Playstation platform? Would an Xbox port be enough to justify costs? Looking unlikely, they can't even justify localisation on Playstation without even thinking about the Xbox brand.

Furthermore, with Yakuza 6 looking to be a Playstation 4 exclusive, it seems Sony is keen to keep the series on their platform.

I know you were referring to the Western market but Yakuza is a series that is developed FIRST for Japan. In this regard it would make since for the Wii U receive a port to test the water, that absolutely tanked and so SEGA probably shelved the idea of making the series for Wii U + PS3 and so on.

I still don't see why you think Xbox version would increase the Yakuza series significantly. I don't see any reason to think so when Japanese games in general sell better on Playstation platforms. If we use that rule, we're only looking at a further 5,000 - 15,000 extra units sold in America, hardly anything to write home about.

1. PS4 has great momentum right now, but i doubt it'll hit 100 million units like the PS1 and PS2 have done. That's just being realistic, i don't think numbers like that are possible in today's market anymore.

2. I'm not talking in regards to Yakuza on the XBOX, but mainly the X360 a few years back. If marketed properly in the US i think this series would be bigger than it currently is. It's a niche genre with a ton of wasted potential and i think having kept it on one platform has only stiffled it.

3. I disagree, Nintendo platforms are notorious for having 3rd party games flop. Why would testing the waters on a Nintendo platform make any sense? The HD ports were going to fail regardless of they were released in Japan or any other territory because the 3rd party Wii U market isn't there.

I guess we'll never know. The XBOX brand carried a lot of power in the US last gen and i feel it was under utilized to some extent. Either way i am glad we're getting Yakuza 5 and i'll be purchasing it when it's released here.
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Offline Trippled

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Re: Possible TGS suprise games leaked.
« Reply #104 on: September 18, 2015, 12:48:58 pm »
Dunno could've tried to make Yakuza on 360 way back in 08' with Kenzan (and also Valkyria Chronicles). It's clear as day, that they just don't care.