Author Topic: E3 2016  (Read 28126 times)

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #60 on: June 21, 2016, 04:38:16 am »
Glad you mentioned that. Apparently Reggie has said the NX "isn't about specs" and it will "recapture the family audience" like the Wii.


That's code for another gimmick console .
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Offline Phantasos

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #61 on: June 21, 2016, 06:26:55 pm »
Santa Monica completely fucking destroyed God of War to shoehorn it into a shitty fucking Last of Us knockoff of all things and you somehow think its graphics are in anyway a compensation for that while throwing a generic MUH GRAPHICS argument to downplay Nintendo.

It's funny because Breath of the Wild looks insanely better than God of war.

Offline Tad

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #62 on: June 22, 2016, 12:36:54 am »
Not sure I agree there. Zelda to me looked like a elder scrolls clone now with a pretty poor frame rate.

God of War did look very different though. I've never had any interest in it before as it was just mindless violence, but it appears to actually have a direction for the first time now.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #63 on: June 22, 2016, 11:12:32 am »
Santa Monica completely fucking destroyed God of War to shoehorn it into a shitty fucking Last of Us knockoff of all things and you somehow think its graphics are in anyway a compensation for that while throwing a generic MUH GRAPHICS argument to downplay Nintendo.

Looking over the swearing you'll have a point if I said GOW IV looked better than God of War , I didn't . I said they 'both'looked brilliant, not one better than the other  . Zelda was it's self nothing new and nothing we haven't seen before (wow a open world game , like that's never been done)  and it sure  looks brilliant for a Wi U game, but there's been far better looking games on the PS4 and XBox One, the remake of Skyrime looks much better as well  and you know having cartoon graphics makes its job so much easier too.

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Offline George

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #64 on: June 23, 2016, 02:25:19 am »
I was really impressed with what Sony showed. I just wish they announced the PS4 slim or wahtever. I just want a 4K Bluray player.

Offline Team Andromeda

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #65 on: June 23, 2016, 11:13:54 am »
I was really impressed with what Sony showed. I just wish they announced the PS4 slim or wahtever. I just want a 4K Bluray player.

I'm sure the Neo will be 4K mate, and you right SONY had a fab showing . so many amazing looking and great games
Panzer Dragoon Zwei is
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Offline Phantasos

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #66 on: July 13, 2016, 07:42:00 pm »
Looking over the swearing you'll have a point if I said GOW IV looked better than God of War , I didn't . I said they 'both'looked brilliant, not one better than the other.

Sorry, too late to come up with mental gymnastics. This God of War looks like a complete piece of shit.

I don't know what looked more entertaining: The walking and talking. The afterthought combat. The walking and talking. The scripted bullshit. The walking and talking. The cutscenes. Or maybe the walking and talking.

Oh, I know. I can't wait to shoot that deer myself, man. That's some cathartic gameplay right there. On the edge of my fucking seat here.

Not sure I agree there. Zelda to me looked like a elder scrolls clone now with a pretty poor frame rate.

Congratulations. You are probably the only person on the internet that made the most lazy, unimaginative comparison of Elder Scrolls with the new Zelda because...they are open world? Or something? I guess?

Or maybe you're just talking about Todd Howard's bullshit comment of "See that mountain? You can climb it!" and how that's actually doable in Breath of the Wild since climbing is quite literally a core gameplay mechanic of the game.

God of War did look very different though. I've never had any interest in it before as it was just mindless violence, but it appears to actually have a direction for the first time now.
So what's the best game of revitalizing an arcade-y, technical action game in today's gaming environment?
 - Stick the camera so far up Kratos' ass, we can practically smell his colon
 - Focus more on stupid story build up bullshit instead of getting into the meat of the game which is the combat
 - When the combat finally comes, you either fight an overwhelming avalanche of 2 skeletons that doesn't even bother to focus on the combat since 2 enemies is already justification enough to be filled with context sensitive crap or 1 Troll riddled with bullshit invincible companion co-op
 - And then pull the strings of our hearts by showing the Little Hunter that Could kill a poor defenseless deer...because the one game where we want to tell the story that life is cruel and fleeting is the game where we'll crack open the skulls of every living thing around us
 Dad of War: Totally not the Last of Us!

This "direction" you're talking about is nothing more than pretentious bullshit that takes the "game" out of the gameplay to put emphasis on some retarded "emotional" ride that's going to be tots heart wrenching because that's going to be easy on the controller. Just read the drivel that the Sony suit is spewing in the post E3 interviews. AMAZING NARRATIVE, GRIPPING EMOTIONS, NEVER BEFORE TOLD STORIES. It's pure PR drivel.

Sony just killed the last western action series that focused on tried and true combat. And to say it lacked direction before is fucking insulting.

How could anyone enjoy Sony's Conference this year is beyond me.

Offline Tad

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #67 on: July 13, 2016, 11:49:42 pm »
Someone's having a fun day.

As for Zelda, yeah, it's lazy. It just didn't grab me. The image quality has took a huge hit compared to what they originally showed, the frame rate is clunky and a lot of what they did seemed utterly pointless. It's a problem all open world games have I find. I much rather prefer a smaller world in games with more in it and a real real sense of direction and drive to the goal.

As for GoW. I can see why fans of the older games would be upset, but to me this looked more interesting. It's no longer a silly button masher with little thought behind it.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2016, 02:55:21 am by Tad »

Offline Phantasos

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #68 on: July 14, 2016, 06:56:29 pm »
Someone's having a fun day.

When you deal with so monumentally terrible opinions about video games, a guy kinda has to see the cup half-full.

Take your arguments about Zelda. Here you have a Zelda game that finally focuses on providing an interesting experience by handling a bunch of core gameplay mechanics that focuses on combat (Weapon durability, bullet time mechanics based on timing, item based dodging), exploration (The climbing mechanic which adds a fucking great sense of verticality to the game / Environmental properties that pushes for character customization whether it's with items or ) and puzzle/item ratio that stack up organically throughout the game instead of the "1 item per dungeon" bullshit that Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword had. The first Zelda that feels like it's not afraid to be a fucking game, focusing on gameplay mechanics that add to the experience without holding hands for anyone which is why everyone is rightfully going apeshit for it. It looks fucking great.

And do you have to say? "It's like Elder Scrolls, I guess? Plus it's so lazy (Cause reasons) and it seems pointless! (Cause reasons)"

Then you go and say that this new God of War looks "great" and finally has "direction" when they fucking castrated the gameplay so much that they turned an dial-a-combo action series into a glorified walking simulator where your invincible companions gets "50xp" when he does something on auto-pilot.

I can barely process that logic. It's just so fucking paradoxical, it's almost medically fascinating.

Oh, by the way. Just because you only play games in normal difficulty and do nothing but button mash like a retard doesn't mean that those games are meant to be played like you're a button mashing retard if you want to beat higher difficulties.

Offline Tad

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2016, 11:47:19 pm »
Okay, just because we don't agree doesn't make my opinion terrible. It just means your attitude is terrible and in every response so far you've been rude and condescending.

I've already stated why I didn't like what I saw of Zelda and although I found GoW more interesting, I probably won't be buying it anyway. Either learn to be respectful of other opinions or leave.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #70 on: July 15, 2016, 02:35:05 pm »
Phantasos, let's dial it down. Be respectful in forum debates and drop the profanity. We allow swearing here, but not when it is targeting others or laced throughout heated arguments.

Offline crackdude

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #71 on: July 18, 2016, 03:46:21 am »
Zelda sucks anyway. Fuck.

Offline George

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2016, 10:19:24 pm »
I'm sure the Neo will be 4K mate, and you right SONY had a fab showing . so many amazing looking and great games
I just want a 4K bluray player. I know that the Xbox One Slim will have one.

Offline Phantasos

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #73 on: July 31, 2016, 10:12:33 am »
Okay, just because we don't agree doesn't make my opinion terrible. It just means your attitude is terrible and in every response so far you've been rude and condescending.

Oh, you're allowed to have a different opinion, champ. I'm not contesting that. You know what they say about assholes.

Then again, when you fail to justify your opinion in every exchange of the conversation by condescendingly and lazily downplay the games' you're not so hot for, that's when I start wondering why you even bother to have this conversation in the first place if you're just gonna prattle half opinions with nothing to back it up. Even now. You're just calling me a meanie and so far, you haven't said why this God of war isn't a a fucking disaster in every sense of the word. You know, except saying the old one "had no direction" and is "button mashy with little thought behind it". Throwing buzzwords and bailing cause your feelings are hurt ain't the same thing as expressing a well informed opinion, bucko. I could give a fuck if I'm swearing, if I'm being rude and condescending, I'm just keeping up with you.

But then again, this is apparently strictly about Zelda. Which was even worse cause you made the most senseless, lazy and dumbass comparison you could ever make. Hope the irony is not lost on you when this place is basically a time capsule of "SEGA RULES:NINTENDO DROOLS" fanclub driven from manchild console war mentality. The power of marketing is real. Who gives a fuck about games when you can be a brand whore.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 08:10:51 pm by Phantasos »

Offline Tad

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Re: E3 2016
« Reply #74 on: July 31, 2016, 10:50:25 am »
Those are reasons, not lazy thoughts. GoW has never interested me due to the presentation, that's now changed. I've already said many times on this forum I'm not a fan of big open world's as they tend to have little to actually do in them and lack a focus overall (Skyrim, GTA, Fallout etc). So, that explains why I'm not so interested in Zelda this time.

Also, there's definitely no "fanboy" attitude here. I've already said on this forum, I've played and enjoyed numerous Nintendo titles in the past:

90% of Rare's Games
Zelda:OOT, MM, WW, SS.
Most Pokèmon games on handheld and console
Starfox 64 and adventure

The only problems I've had with Nintendo really started mid GC life cycle where they lost Rare and headed off in a new direction. I respect them for it, but it's not something I can really say I've liked.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2016, 01:00:55 am by Tad »