Just come to Portugal, enjoy wine and the beach
Hehe. Thanks, but I don't think I could deal with the heat.
About France...I think regardless of who won, it's very dangerous. It's good Le Pen didn't win, but Macron isn't exactly a known qantity and although he claims he's on the center, his stance on issues and the way he portrays things seem to put him slightly more to the right I'd say. What bothers me most though is this idea that France has beaten the slow rise of right wing parties like NF or ukip when all they might have done is delay them.
11 million people in France still voted for Le Pen and many simply picked Macron because there was no alternative. Macron himself said Frexit will happen if the EU doesn't change, but the problem there is Marcon's vision for the EU was already rejected by EU members and will be in the future looking at the current state.
Marcon's biggest problem though is at home. Yes, he's the president, but his power is very limited due to not having any support in goverment. The french elections are not till June and as he wasn't that popular to begin with, there's a good chance he won't be able to get enough support for a majority goverment. If he doesn't get enough power, he'll basically be sitting on his hands doing nothing the entire time he's a president. Meanwhile, if things don't improve, the NF could gain more voters.