I've watched this episode of Scrubs today once already
Are we living the same life? Or do we just both have crappy TV channels that repeat shows...
Ooh delightful!
Let me try to fill the void for you.
Delightful? How could you say something like that when there are so many volcanic eruptions? Have you got no shame? There are people living in Iceland who've got to suffer volcanic ash clouds and you're delighted? Of course this lack of empathy is typical of mountain goat sympathizers such as yourself. Once you've drank from the yaks teat there's no returning to a normal mans life. That's no to say you may never find yourself in arms, or dare I say bed of a woman. But what self respecting turnip would take comfort in women when they spout such venom? You'd sooner find me in a snake pit cooing like a dove. At least snakes cannot lie or paint tasteless nudes of your genitals while you sleep.
Fuck you cowards who potato quietly, let it out and proud! Don't let women and jews run your harvest. I for one have found comfort in the gardeners handbook, nurturing in spring, watering in summer and the pruning back of the dead leaves in fall. A beautiful image no? But no, It's surely a metaphor for unclean woman who bleed publicly on their lunar cycle... Smug and unshunned from public eye. So remember you westerners who drop your fire from the sky, low hanging fruit is often soaked in the urine of tall dogs. THAT MY FRIENDS, IS THE CURRENCY OF PAIN.