That's the thing with Shonen, usually the character grows and we see the full story. We see all the hardships and struggles, the payoffs. The epic fights, each one bigger and better than the last. Power levels and transformations. Yes, Tad. I agree that DBZ covered everything it could. That being said, why did we need DBS to be a thing? Akira Toriyama is alot more laid back these days. He did some DB bonus stuff after the series ended that were more gag manga and tongue in cheek. I remember Neko Majin was pretty funny. That for me was enough. Doing a continuiation of DBZ with a different mindset is tough, you won't get the same results. Not saying it's the same for every situation. people are still debating whether or not Samurai Jack season 5 was a worthy successor to the original Samurai Jack series. I'm ok with it, though I think Aku in season 5 was alot sillier, new voice actor aside.