script to annoy the shit out of myself into plugging my notebook in when it comes close to dying, runs every 30 seconds. ( I tend to ignore the warning )
set Cap to (do shell script "ioreg -w0 -l | grep ExternalChargeCapable")
tell Cap to set {wallPower} to {last word of paragraph 1}
if wallPower = "Yes" then
return 0
set Cap to (do shell script "ioreg -wO -l | grep Capacity")
tell Cap to set {Available, Max} to {last word of paragraph 2, last word of paragraph 1}
set Pct to round (100 * Available / Max)
if Pct <= 4 then
tell application "iTunes"
end tell
set volume 100
do shell script "say -v "Zarvox" "LOW BATTERY" "
if Pct <= 3 then
beep 5
do shell script "say -v "Zarvox" "PLUG ME IN NOW DUMBASS""
end if
end if
end if