I had no idea Classic Game Room had a DVD, or that it would ever be featured in normal stores.
I bought Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition on PlayStation 3. I have been waiting for a fairly long time to play this game, but I knew there would be DLC and I knew they would make an edition with all of the content, and this seemed like a cool deal because it is all on the same disc.
However, apparently the PlayStation 3 version is beyond unplayable and freezes the console constantly. Someone said if it freezes three times every fifteen hours that you are lucky and to expect the game to drop to 5FPS every now and then. Wonderful.
I am still pretty excited even though it is kind of a stupid purchase right before Yakuza 4 comes out, but I hope I can get some decent playtime out of it. It does not seem like the story will be my favorite feature of that anyways, I cannot even remember what happened in Oblivion, but I loved it.
I almost bought Uncharted 2 GOTY instead though, and I am happy I did not because literally a few hours after I decided on my purchase, that game was announced for a Greatest Hits release at a much lower price. Cannot wait to play the full version of that game finally though, whenever I get that.