Author Topic: Corey Marshall Interview  (Read 4488 times)

Offline Nathan

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Corey Marshall Interview
« on: November 30, 2010, 02:32:29 pm »
Got an interview with him, you can put it on the front page if you like.

You worked on voices in both Shenmue I and Shenmue II. Which characters did
you voice?

 - Just Ryo Hazuki's.

Who is your favorite character from the series, besides Ryo?
 - Gui Zhang and Ren (both of whom were played by my good buddy Eric Kelso)

How did you come about being a voice actor in the Shenmue series?
 - I was a dance major in college in New York, and I answered an ad in the papers, sent in my voice tape (yes, back in those days, it was a tape) and was chosen to do the voice for Ryo. I was flown to Japan to record shortly after.

Have you met the Japanese actors who voiced your characters in the NTSC/J version?
 - No, unfortunately not. Their work was already done before we started on the English version of the game.

Have you played the games?
 - Absolutely. I love the game. Not just because I'm in it but because I really like it.

Are you up to date with the Shenmue World? Have you heard about Shenmue
 - Yes, I have heard about Shenmue Online. Just recently, I've heard about Shenmue City as well. I'm anxious to see how the game turns out and what people's reaction will be.

If so, what do you think of the current situation?
 - Being a fan of the game, I of course would like to see a third installment and perhaps final chapter to the game. But being in the film business myself, I realize that there is a lot more to a product being made than any of us could imagine and it's difficult for projects to get off the ground for one reason or another so unfortunately, it seems like it is out of our hands.

Would you like to be a part of Shenmue III and/or Shenmue Online (if it is still an active project)?
 - Yes, absolutely. I would love to be a part of Shenmue, just because it’s such a great game and I am a huge fan of it.

Did you have anything to do with Ryo Hazuki in the recent SEGA title Sonic & SEGA All - Stars Racing? If you didn't know, Ryo was a playable character. Were you approached about this?
 - No, I wasn’t. The easiest thing for them to do was take sound samples of my voice from previous games. This is a way for them to save time and money.

It has been said that Ryo was originally going to be playable in the first SEGA All - Stars game, SEGA Superstars Tennis. Were you aware of this?
 - The fans make me aware of everything.

When I interviewed Eric Kelso, the voice actor for Ren, Gui Zhang, and Fukuhara, he said that during the job, you two became drinking buddies and felt like a true team. Is there anyone else you have fond memories of from SEGA or the Shenmue team?
 - Actually, everyone on the Shenmue team was extremely nice. There’s a bit of a camaraderie in the voiceover world over there. I guess it comes from being foreigners in Japan, as well. But for sure, Eric was my best friend on the project.
 - Eric insisted that we go on an all-nighter and that’s something that I will not soon forget. Thanks to Eric, I encountered my first and I think my last Long Island Iced Tea, which absolutely kicked my butt.

Can you describe a normal day in the recording process of Shenmue?
 - First thing that I did when I made my way from my apartment to the recording studio, I’d pass through an outdoor food market that looked remarkably like certain scenes in Shenmue. I’d arrive at Sega Headquarters and first thing I’d do is get a cup of hot tea going to get the vocal cords warmed up. Then, they’d hand me a script the length of the Holy Bible, with every sort of human grunt or martial art sound and I’d have to speak to every person on the street and sometimes, I’d have to give very different answers and of course, as we all know, secret or hidden levels that can be quite lengthy and time-consuming.
 - I remember that even security at Sega greeted me with warm smiles. They were just really friendly and genuine.
 - Then I might do some recording on my own, and then some more voice actors would start to trickle into the waiting room. After finishing part of the script that would be just for myself, the director would give me information on what scenes we would be doing that day with the actors that had shown up.

Do you have any fond memories of working on Shenmue?
 - The entire Shenmue experience is one of my fondest memories. Some people over there became a second family for me. After work was done, we’d spend time with one another so we developed a close friendship.

Long before Shenmue was released on the Dreamcast, a version for the SEGA Saturn was being developed. Were you a part of this version? Did it even have voices?
 - No, I wasn’t a part of that version. They did not get to the point where they needed to voice my character.

Can you give us any insight on any of the scrapped/deleted/future content from the series, like Miao Guang Village/Temple, Bailu Village, Luoyang, or the ship to Hong Kong?
 - They keep all of these very very tightly under wraps and most of that information cannot come by me first.

Did you ever meet Yu Suzuki?
 - Yes, I had the great pleasure of meeting Yu Suzuki. One day while working in the studio, Yu Suzuki did pay a visit. Some people came into the control room, and I remember there was this excitement but at the same time this hush came over the room. It was a very Japanese reaction. They asked me if I’d like to meet Mr. Suzuki, who had paid a surprise visit that day to oversee some aspects of the game being designed and built. So, of course I said yes and I was escorted up to where he was and that’s when I got to meet him briefly. I expressed through a translator my love for the game and the project and I expressed my extreme gratitude and thanks for allowing me to be a part of his creation. I remember that he was very polite. A really nice man.

Are you a big gamer? Do enjoy any other SEGA games?
 - Before the birth of my daughter, I was a pretty big gamer. I enjoy all types of games, and I particularly enjoy Sega’s arcade games- especially the ones in Japan, which were superior to the ones we have in the States.

What is the project that you have enjoyed most at SEGA, and in general?
 - The only project that I’ve worked on at SEGA is Shenmue so that’s what I enjoyed. Voiceover work does happen to be my favorite job and I have to say that my experience at Sega was the most enjoyable ever.

What are you working on now?
 - I’m currently working on changing my daughter’s diapers. LOL. Heavy Metal magazine is launching its first digital comicbook, Gates, which is a creation of a buddy of mine, Hal Hefner, and there’s a possibility that I’ll be involved in that but nothing is set, as of yet. It’s an awesome project and the storyline is really cool.

Do you have anything else you want to say to the fans?
 - You guys freakin’ rock! Without the fans, nothing can happen, so thank you for all your love and support.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 03:35:33 pm »
I can put this up right now! :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Barry the Nomad

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 04:07:29 pm »
Just put it up!

I have to run home, so any spelling mistakes or formatting problems can be fixed by another mod :) I gave it a twice over and didnt see any errors
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Aki-at

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 05:21:48 pm »
Excellent stuff Supa, great interview and all!

A nice insight into the project, although that's another person I must hate for meeting Yu Suzuki...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Nathan

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2010, 06:39:32 pm »
Have been talking with him a bit on Facebook, I'll post more when I'm done with the follow up of sorts. :) Thanks for the warm response! My interview with Eric Kelso a few years back wasn't this well recieved for some reason.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2010, 02:35:12 am »
Nice work Supa, your a real Sega hero!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
Made by SEGA

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2010, 05:44:23 am »
Supa please read my comments on the blog post.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Nathan

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2010, 02:44:25 pm »
Found my Eric Kelso interview from awhile ago:

Q: You worked on voices in both Shenmue I and Shenmue II. Which characters did you voice?

I did Guizahang, Ren, and Shinohara* (I think that's his name, he was Ryo's buddy at the Dojo. He always worried about Ryo's safety. Nice guy.)
    I also did about 10 minor characters, who were pretty much nameless.

    Who is your favorite character, Ren or Guizhang?

I'd have to say Ren. He was a fearless fighter, a loyal friend, and had a great sarcastic wit. He didn't take shxt from anyone. Very fun to voice.
    The actor who played Ryo (Corey) and I also became drinking buddies, so it was really fun do the scenes together. We really felt like we were a team.

    How did you come about being a voice actor in the Shenmue series?

   I've been doing voice work for about 20 years in Japan. I have several agents who promote me and SEGA liked me for the parts.

    Have you met the Japanese acotrs who voiced your characters in the NTSC/J version?

   No, actually the Japanese actors and foreign actors record separately and don't really have any contact.

    Have you played the games? Are you a big "gamer"? Do enjoy any other SEGA games?

   I like watching other people play the games, they're much better at it than I am and can do more, faster, without getting killed so quickly.

    Are you up to date with the Shenmue World? Have you heard about Shenmue Online?

I've checked a couple sights thanks to the wake up call on the Shenmue III campaign. I'm so proud to have been a part of something that has made so many people happy. I had no idea there was such a following.

    If so, what do you think of the current situation?

   I know that the first two didn't do well financially, maybe just ahead of their time. It takes so much work and money to make a game and the competition is so fierce. I really hope that they see it as viable. Everyone in my business would LOVE to bring the gang back for another adventure. Both the gamers and characters themselves deserve it! I'm doing everything I can to promote your cause, hopefully I'll have more for you soon. I record the new Virtual Fighter on April 1 and will talk to them more then.

    Who are you working on in Virtua Fighter 5?

   I'm Jacky for all 4 (and soon 5) versions. He's fun, young, cocky, and has actually grown up a bit over the years, put on a little muscle, learned some new moves. I also, do all the "ROUND ONE, READY FIGHT! and stuff like that.

    What is the project that you have enjoyed most at SEGA, and in general?

   Shenmue was definitely the best! It took many long days and weeks to record. The people at SEGA are cool. Very relaxed, jeans and t-shirts, lots of laughs. And all top notch at their work. Of course I loved VF and Jacky, as well as playing Paul Phoenix in the Tekken series.

*After initial mix up about Fuku - san's name and various questions raised by the fans, Eric, who apparently reads the Shenmue Dojo, sent a follow up email on his own:

   Hey Nathan,

    Hope all is well with you!

    Just checked the interview, good to see people are supporting the site.

    Sorry for the bad typing all, I only use two fingers, old school.

    I'm not sure about the number on the Virtual Fighter series, my agent
    said VF5, maybe she meant VF5 R, as one of the people said.

    And no, I'm sorry to say, I don't really play the games so much, not
    much free time.

    And... all my deepest apologies to Fuku-san for getting his name
    wrong, he had such a good heart, Ren was the most fun to play, and
    Guizhang was cool on ice!

    I do a lot of games and other recordings, sometimes I get them mixed
    up. Apologies to all! Play hard!!!!


After more probing by fans, and a short delay of the voice recordings, Eric got back to me:

Hi Nathan,

    Thanks for the email, sorry I haven't got back to.

    VF5R looks good, thanks for asking. Boy Jacky sure has grown up, from
    a pup to a bad ass!
    I spoke with SEGA and they said they would LOVE to make S3, but there
    is nothing slated for production at the moment.

    Keep trying, wish I could tell you more!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2010, 08:51:09 pm »
Do ask him how he tries to differentiate voices, I could've never imagined Paul Phoenix, Gui Zang and Fuker San voiced the same actor.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Nathan

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2010, 09:01:39 pm »
Don't forget Ren! And yes, when he gets back to me, I'll ask him. I should have a Lisle Wilkerson interview coming up soon as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline cube_b3

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Re: Corey Marshall Interview
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2010, 12:36:46 pm »
I haven't heard Ren yet, but I could never tell that Fuker San and Gui Zang's voices came from the same vocal cord.

I don't remember Gui Zang to well, but fuker was good I actually laughed at many of his stupid antics through out the first game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »