Author Topic: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on  (Read 3614 times)

Offline Sharky

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Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:29:09 am »
What is a castle?

Our western sensibilities suggest an establishment for the nobility; a structure that represented the feudal power-base, and a way to keep enemies out.

The medieval Japanese agreed on two out of three of the above principles. Why on earth would you want to keep enemy soldiers out of your castle, when you can lead them in, to fight – and die – on your terms?

This level of combat artistry is something that Total War: Shogun 2 aims to recreate. And no, that’s not a typographical error; in a move to establish brand consistency, Sega recently announced that Creative Assembly’s grand-strategy epics would begin, not end, with Total War. I really hope they apply that retroactively too – it’ll tidy up Steam libraries worldwide.

Japan's best spear delivery company.

But back to the field. I recently got stuck into our first siege battle in Shogun 2, and what became apparent as the troops clashed was that things have changed from previous games in the series, and you need to think of castles in a very different way. You’re not simply aiming to keep enemies out – although that’s a valuable tactic, and there are times when denial of-entry is absolutely key. But the space and configuration of these castles means they work in interesting ways.

Our castle is low, broad, and three-tiered. The base-tier is, well, huge. Quite un-castle-like all round, compared to European designs. It’s like a series of big stages; there are wide-open areas where multiple units can clamour, with elbow-room to spare. Exploiting these spaces properly is a case of tempting a limited number of units in through the ground-level gatehouses, or an unprotected section of wall. By which time, hopefully, you’ll have the perfect configuration of troops ready to rout and ruin.

Pretend you don't see the place holder.

That’s not how it went down at all.

My initial deployment tried to cover every facing of the castle. I had Samurai archers and melee troops stretched thin across the base tier, with an aim to retreating to the second tier if things got dicey. My mounted General was right at the top tier, out of harm’s way.

Zelda fanboys make dangerous soldiers.

The computer bluffed me. He sent in waves of archers, with a blade unit to scale the walls. I was weak of will; I redeployed to meet the threat.

Then what must’ve been the bulk of his army marched out of the eastern mists – a veritable brigade of melee and cavalry units. Panic stations! I pulled everything off guard-duty to meet the threat in the east. And just as I was micro-managing the rampant disorder I’d created for myself on the lower-east tier – spearmen bouncing off swordsmen, archers struggling through the throng to line the walls – the Combat Advisor’s words froze my heart:

“Our General is in grave danger!”

Panning over, I saw the AI’s double-bluff in horrifying execution. Three melee units had scaled the first two tiers on my unwatched western ramparts, and spearmen were engaging my General.

And that was that. The General fell, the soldiers wept, I shat the bed, and the wheels fell off.

Their mums all made them their own banners.

I almost feel sorry for the AI. It can’t revel in this moment of victory, or dole out the kind of conceptual tea-bagging that my martial lollygagging so richly deserves. It can’t even call me a noob.

Round two went a lot more smoothly. Now keenly aware of the AI’s potential to posture and lure, I presented a couple of obviously weak flanks, and didn’t budge my troops. I ignored his ruses. I let his melee troops scale the walls, and closed the net each time, with fire-arrows and whistlers terrifying the attackers, and my fresh, tight-packed blade turning them on their heels. By the end, all he had was a few groups of scattered archers, and a bunch of cavalry cantering around uselessly outside, as I hadn’t let him take a single gatehouse. Fetlocks and hooves? Not so climbey.

The new AI is merciless.

I shudder to think how terrifying this is all going to be in multiplayer. Shogun 2’s battle AI has impressed me so far, and I’ll be interested to see what improvements have been made to its campaign-brain. But this level of jiggery-pokery could make for some very, very tense encounters when it comes to skilled players. It’s also worth noting that multiplayer in Shogun 2 brings a massive shakeup for the series. Check back shortly for the altogether exciting details. ... battles-2/

Put into perspective, you can go from birds eye view of an entire battlefield with up to 50 thousand units on screen at once, to a ground view of single units fighting seemlessly... This is one of the best looking games ever made imo.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Deefy

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 08:26:33 am »
SEGA needs more acquisitions such as that of The Creative Assembly, in the West, in Japan is a whole different matter...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline MadeManG74

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 01:29:34 pm »
The write-up was awesome, and the graphics look amazing as usual. I hope the AI is actually improved over previous games, even so it sounds like Castle Seiges may have changed a bit.

Cannot wait to try this game out, I hope that it works on my PC.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2010, 03:14:04 am »
It wont work on mine... Bu this is the kind of series I actually spend money to upgrade my PC for.

Although I did just spend a silly amount on a wacom tablet so... I'll have to see how money is in 2011.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
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Offline Pao

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2010, 04:08:31 am »
There is this new amazing CG trailer:


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »

Offline Sharky

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2010, 05:59:05 am »
Great find Pao, put it up on the front page. (with credit.)

The second video is from before Shogun 2 was announced though, it is CGI test I of some kind I think. Might make it into the final game. Can't say though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »
Made by SEGA

Offline Deefy

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Re: Shogun 2 - Japanese Castle Siege/AI hands-on
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2010, 10:48:41 am »
SEGA has announced three versions of SHOGUN 2, standard, limited and collector's. here is the link to the official forum of TOTAL WAR,where there are also pictures of the special editions:http://! :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Guest »