Watched the Clone Wars finale at a friend's house on Friday. Fantastic finale! Trandoshan hunters, wookies, Chewbacca and jedi sans lightsabers. Great stuff!
Overall season 3 was great. It kicked off with an epic attack on Kamino,had Greedo versus George Lucas's cameo character for a two parter that was surprisingly fun despite not starring the main cast. Things got a little boring with Padme and the senate, but Palpatine made things interesting. Then Cad Bane and Ziro returned, with a fun Artoo/Threepio episode and a great Jabba-centric episode. Following that was the GREAT Savage Opress arc that I saw in theaters (for free). Then the Mortis arc which really helped explain The Chosen One prophesy. Then we got Qui Gon and Shmi to boot. Finally we had the Citadel trilogy with Tarkin being all evil and buddy-buddy with Anakin. Then the Wookie finale.
I'd have to give season 3 a 9/10. Lots of well placed cameos, great story arcs whcih felt like mini-movies and an overall less cartoony season than the first. Can't wait for the blu-ray and season 4.
Season 4 had Akbar commanding underwater troops, Grevious versus Gunguns and more clonez. Nice.