For the first time... Played it before a LONG time ago when it came out in fact but I don't have the patience for baby sitting so gave up pretty quickly.
Saw it yesterday in a second hand store for just £2 which was a steal, bought it, sat down today and finished it in 1 sitting...
Yep, 9 and a half hours of pure vidya gamin.
Pretty good, enjoyed it... The atmosphere was what kept me going. The atmosphere reminds me a lot of Panzer Dragoon, so fantastic. Complaints would be the repeating rooms and bland samey textures... Baby sitting the girl was a bit of a hassle but the AI isnt bad.
The game could have used a lot more 'secrets' and just things to find and collect along the way...
Anyway, enjoyed it a lot... Another 'Zelda like' game that I like a HELL of a lot more then any Zelda game I've played.