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Red Ring Distress Syndrome, a psychological issue caused by XBOX 360 owner distress. Discovered by Psychologist Robert Smith PhD.Ever had the red ring of death on your 360? You might suffer from a syndrome known as the Red Ring Distress Syndrome either now or sometime in the future. Psychologists have been doing case studies on people who own a XBOX 360 or used to own a XBOX 360. The researchers have found interesting results, a few of which we will share with you in this article.Psychologist Robert Smith has had a PhD for 50 years now. He knows what he is talking about crazy as this all may sound. Smith says that Red Ring Distress Syndrome occurs when you know your 360 is about to get a RROD error or X amount of time after the error occurs. "Human brains function in a very precise way." says Smith, he goes on to say "Our subjects never got upset when the RROD happened. They either got upset when they knew a RROD was coming or after the RROD occurred." Smith said some of their test subjects got so upset from the RROD that they had to go into intensive therapy behind locked doors for 7 days straight.Are you worried about getting the Red Ring Distress Syndrome? Fear not! Smith says there is plenty of ways to avoid it. He says that one of your options is to sell or destroy your XBOX 360. Smith says he is a huge fan of the PlayStation and encourages everyone to break or sell their 360's and quote; "buy a PSTriple". If you can't break way from your 360 Smith suggests you quit video gaming unless you want to end up an insane psychopath that can't think straight.