Author Topic: Interviewing Ian Flynn, Paul K (Sonic comics) and Arron Webber (Sonic Generation  (Read 7876 times)

Offline Shigs

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Any Questions?

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Offline George

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This should be in the SEGA section. Moving it.

Offline Waffle

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I cannot imagine that Aarron Webber is going to say anything interesting. Usually he just blabbers the same PR scripts and 'I cannot talk about it right now'.

For a suggestion, maybe you could think of something about the music to ask, such as who is involved with it. Maybe bring up some popular names from the Genesis/SEGA CD titles.

Offline CrazyT

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Sonic generations:

Will there be a sense of gravity for the classic gameplay? In the demo I noticed that rolling slows sonic down similar to sonic 4. Will this be fixed or is that's just the way it's going to be?

I've noticed that in generations classic gameplay, the ramps are scripted. Will the scripted ramps be removed in the final build of generations?

In the sonic classics, using the spindash required the player going to a halt. This was only doable when the surface was flat so for speedruns it also required the player to use the spindash at the best moment. In generations it's changed and works in the way that it can be done at any moment(while running), even on diagonal surfaces? What's the design phylosify behind this decision and what do you think about it?

Is Ice cap going to be in the game? Knowing the fanbase it's supposed to be one of the most popular stage in the franchise.

In the demo, classic sonic doesn't lose all his rings when he gets hit. Is this going to be changed in the final build, so that he does lose all rings when he gits hit? If not, what was the reason for this change?

These are my questions :p

« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 11:59:29 pm by CrazyTails »

Offline ricerictwice

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Any Questions?

Correction, Aaron Weber, not Arron or Aarron.

Offline Autosaver

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Guys, remember that the level list was already leaked out. Asking questions like "Is Ice Cap going to be in" is a bit pointless when we already saw the level list along with the fact he'll say "Can't talk about it" like Waffle said.

Everything I want to ask is about the leaked content, but it's obvious they won't answer the questions. So I got another one.

Is the Metal Sonic fight in CPZ or is it its own fight? Magazines have said that Stardust Speedway was its own level while others were saying it was a part of Chemical Plant Zone.

Offline CrazyT

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I know the Ice cap zone question is not going to be answered. Just want the question to be brought forward in the wya I formulated it. Ice cap is the most popular zone in the series and yet it's not in the game. To make matters worse, there's not even an ice level in the list. The level tropes are severly lacking but ice cap should've just been there no matter what.

In the latest trailer they counted sonic 3 and sonic and knuckles as seperate games. They have not included any sonic 3 level in the game, which should've been either hydrocity or ice cap imo.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2011, 12:00:25 am by CrazyTails »

Offline Waffle

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Another game on 3DS exists, remember. Ice Cap could still be there, so it is safe to ask.

Offline CrazyT

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Another game on 3DS exists, remember. Ice Cap could still be there, so it is safe to ask.

I don't know if it's safe.

(Theres no spoiler tag but there are spoilers ahead)

The last anniversary trailer included most if not all the stages that were leaked. I believe the ones we have not seen in the leaked list for the console are going to be used for 3ds or boss levels. Stardust speedway for instance.

Ice cap wasn't included.

Offline Waffle

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I guess there is only so much they can do. Going to have to skip Ice Cap for Sonic Heroes, Sonic 06, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Colours, and Sonic and the Secret Rings.

So on that note, maybe ask in the interview about why horrific trash like Sonic 06 is being celebrated, along with games that just came out. I am sure a lot of people are confused about the later inclusions.

Offline Sega Uranus

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All of my questions are for Sonic Generations.

I really, really, really cannot stress how much I want him and Sonic Team to be aware about the issue with rolling there is. In the classic gameplay he cannot gain any momentum from rolling at all - The direct inverse of what it's original intention was. If you cannot tell them to straight up fix this, please ask if they are aware of it. It is something they have messed up for awhile, like in Sonic 4 where boulders chase you, if you roll (what the boulder is doing...) you slow down and get hit by it. That is just beyond stupid...

Also, why does modern Sonic slide instead of roll? I mean, his spikes are facing in the direction of where he is sliding, wouldn't rolling under stuff just all around make more sense?

I too also want to know why games like Sonic 06 are being celebrated.

Why does modern Sonic not use sounds he had in the 16 bit games and stuff like Sonic Adventure? The jumping sound for instance, is iconic. The last time they used it in a 3D game was for Amy in Sonic Heroes and no one else. Are they just trolling us or what? Can they at least make stuff like this an unlockable option if they prefer it the way it is now?

On unlockables... Will we be able to swap character models or background music? Can I play as modern Sonic with classic moves in the classic variations of the levels, for instance?

Are Chao Gardens ever returning?

Iizuka already said characters like Nack the Weasel are never returning. Why is this?

I am sure he cannot reveal a bunch of this stuff, but it never hurts to ask I guess... I am really interested in what he has to say about the people working on the soundtrack though.

Offline Chaosmaster8753

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The last time they used it in a 3D game was for Amy in Sonic Heroes and no one else.

She also had it in Black Knight's multiplayer mode.

Offline Autosaver

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Another game on 3DS exists, remember. Ice Cap could still be there, so it is safe to ask.

D'oh! I totally forgot about that. I'm thinking the Sonic 3 related level is Launch Base. As one of the bosses takes place in... Launch Base.

I blame the fact that little to no information is being passed on for the 3DS game. I hope there are more 3DS related reveals.

Offline Autosaver

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One more, how far is the progress in getting the Sega Boards(Sega Pass?) up and running?