Well, I got to do a lot more "Non-Sega" stuff today as we've finished getting all our playthroughs and interviews done and stayed mostly in the West Hall checking out Nintendo, Playstation, and because Nux dragged me there, X-Box.
Mario and Sonic at the Olympics has better gameplay and visuals than the older ones, but the framerate is suffering right now. We had footage of the entire demo, but Nux lost his camera.
Super Mario 3D World was a lot more fun than expected. I was originally pissed that it wasn't Mario Galaxy 3, but there's a lot of fun there.
Damn son! Mario Kart 8 was not only fun to play, it looked gorgeous!! The lighting engine used really gives it a CGI look. This is the most "Next Gen" Wii U title I've seen. Very impressive.
The PS4 controller is a big improvement over the Dual Shock. The fatter handles feel better and thank god, the L2/R2 buttons are concave so your fingers don't slide off. The 360 controller still feels the most comfortable though. Also, a bit too heavy.
First PS4 game I got to try was an indy game called Octodad: Dadliest Catch. A funny and crazy physics game where you play as an octopus disguising himself as a human and marrying a single mother. It's a ragdoll physics game where since he''s an octopus his center of gravity is really off and just doing the most basic of functions is a chore. It's hilarious and fun.
I got to sit in a room and watch someone else play Killzone 4 on a large screen. Unfortunatly, they chose this boring forest level that didn't look next gen at all. Seriously, it looked like Killzone 3 only slightly sharper. Disappointing
Finally, we played Knack. The game is fun with very easy controls and the game has this "TV CGI cartoon" look to it that I like. However, the games visuals seem fuzzy. Like sub 720p and the framrate is 30 FPS or below.
While I plan to get a PS4 in the future, nothing here tells me I need one at launch.
The new controller feels odd and flimsy. Like it's a third party controller. Very cheap.
The only two games I played was a gold game (meh) while waiting to play the only XBone game I cared about, Crimson Dragon. I'm both sad and happy to say the game was a dissapointment. Sad, because I love Panzer Dragoon games and happy because I have ZERO reason to even think of buying a XBone.
Unlike previous PD games where you aim and steer with the same stick, this one has it one separate joysticks. You steer the dragon with the left, aim with the right. It makes it awkward to play. Not only that, the aiming is poor.
Yes, yes. I still have more writing to do. Expect a hands-on report of company of Heroes 2 soon along with an interview.