Good morning, or good evening everyone
I suddenly have the urge to play Phantasy Star Universe Story Mode
i cleaned up my office area and found the game signature series guide
brand new had it for years only picked it up 4 times, during the release
my ex-wife gave me as a birthday gift. But we are still friends and she loves
Phantasy Star games its 2020, and still have interest in the game. I really hope
something comes up, i am holding the actual PC version of the game protected
inside it's original packaging. I've seen people online who have succeeded
playing the story mode and online in 1080 as well. But.... sigh had to mention
i don't tolerate copyright and companies have to protect its very on IP. So if
dont mean to go off topic but i have a small business and made me respect
other individuals properties. Sorry for long post guys, i can talk about SEGA
Phantasy Star and many other games for hours.
Any help no matter even if you're pointing out the game folder...
I appreciate all of your replies and help, and try hard to make things short
i don't want anyone wasting time, you all have, jobs, married, kids
etc which comes 1st and always should
Thank You guys