@ Monkeroony: apparrently there's a patch coming to fix that at some point. i heard an interview with one of the developers, where they said the reason for the load times had something to do with how they were optimized for loading user created ones online, and they're working on the fix.
@George: How are you liking it so far?
I tried out Time Crisis 4 on the PS3 yesterday. The Guncon 3 works pretty great, once you've got everything all set up. The story mode is a bit messed up (dual analogue FPS w/ jumping and moving the lightgun around on the screen to shoot = a lot for my brain to process), so I think I'll stick mostly to the Arcade mode that I'm used to. Shooting randoms as they pop up on the screen is fine by me.
I think I spent most of the day playing Lego Rock Band though. I'm enjoying it a lot more than I though I would. The load times are a bit slow, but the little "story" bits are amusing. I think I might actually be able to Platinum this one without putting 100 hours into it. It's a lot faster to earn cash in it, because they use the points in each song as money. So you can get like 300000 points in one song easy. Rock Band 2 would take forever to get that kind of cash.