Sonic adventure 2 had very little in common with the original games, but it just felt right! Felt sonic.
No it didn't. It felt like bad anime.
Outside of the Shadow, Maria and Gerald Robotnik stuff, the story was really not that awkward and serious. I think besides what I mentioned it is all no darker than Sonic OVA, which everyone seems to like. In comparison, SatAM, the comics and stuff were way darker.
Actually the Sonic script could take some ques from that Rachet and Clank series. Just not in the gameplay department.
While I can agree that Sonic stories have been so stupid as of late that it actually hurts, Ratchet and Clank is not much better, and it is pretty apparent you do not know much about the series.
The most recent game has a lot of death, blood and crying. The designers specifically made the last few games with their fans who started playing the first game when they were in their mid teens and are now in their 20s.
It is weird awkward furry shit and lasts so much longer than any cutscene any previous Sonic game had, and they are extremely abundant too.
The humor was not anything to go by in Unleashed or Colors usually, but Ratchet and Clank is so much more annoying in every possible way. Not to mention the levels can last over an hour, half of which is usually because of cutscenes filled to the brim of weird jokes that range from the quality of Muppet-wannabe to "This word kind of sounds like Microsoft, and that word kind of sounds like Sony! HUURRRR".
NOT TO MENTION, each game is the damn same. Seriously. I can understand the hatred for Sonic Team changing their styles, designs, concepts with almost every single release, but at least they can be creative and they attempt new things every now and then, Hell even Nintendo is more edgey than fucking Insomniac.
Also guns. Insomniac stated the official reason they stopped making Spyro games was because he could not hold a gun. I am not fucking joking. The fact you want this kind of mentality in the Sonic series probably means you have not even really played most of the games.