Author Topic: Captain America: Super Soldier: Out this week, reviews and movie chat!  (Read 21782 times)

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I was gaming during that era and, yes, those games on the Genesis were  great games ("Masterpieces" is going a bit far) but what does that have to do with this? Sega's recent track record with licensed games has been pretty poor and that's what matters here.

I do not think so. If you said recent licensed outings I would understand, but even then there are some great games like Thor DS. I am sure Aliens: Colonial Marines and the other DS game will be fantastic as well.

As of late these are not even developed by SEGA usually so they should not be getting the blunt of the punishment. Every publisher releases poor quality tie-ins, but there is always a group of people who can enjoy them in some form. I even saw people defending the first Iron Man game... Not Iron Man 2, though. That was just too much.

Anyway, eh. I'm glad a Sega-branded licensed game aimed to be something better but I don't see why you guys expected miracles. The problem with licensed games is the limited amount of time the developers have to make them and the desire to bring in as many casual dollars as possible. Even the slightest complexity may put off the casual audience the company is aiming to attract. (People who don't play a lot of video games but saw a movie that they liked and wanted to "play" it.)

No one here was really expecting a AAA release, just a decent beat em up action/adventure game.

Something like this turning out poorly is kind of a bad thing though, as far as I know, the game has been in development for over two years. Though, I guess this is Next Level Games' first HD release.

Either way, sorry if I came off a little overly defensive.

No it isn't, Masterpieces is the correct word because that's exactly what they are. There has not been a single Disney game since that era that can get close to the Illusion series and the Donald duck games not to mention the collaboration between Sega and Virgin with Aladdin.
I won't of course mention the genesis era Marvel games or even TAZMANIA and the LOONEY TUNES license, or POWER RANGERS either and of course the arcade versions of JURASSIC PARK, DRAGON BALL Z and ALIEN 3 during that period. Indeed as far as i'm concerned that was a golden age of Sega licensed games.

The only reason we could moan about the current Marvel games is really down to Simon Jeffery and his actions concerning these titles. However if we look at what Sega japan has done with recent licenses like giving the BLEACH license to designers Treasure and the recent inhouse Rambo arcade game as well as Arc System works version of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR when Sega had the license, you can see clearly that its not Sega as a whole that has lost the knack for giving out good licensed games, it was Jeffery giving out contracts to companies that weren't up to the job especially with the demands that he put some of them through. The only good thing Jeffery did with the license thing was getting ALIENS and giving one of the contracts to Gearbox. But he's gone now and Hayes is in charge so we will see if he can deliver a great licensed game when the opportunity comes along.


It is a bit of a double edged sword though, because SEGA cannot go back to basically all of these. People who have a passing interest in game history that do not know much about SEGA just do not put a second thought into games like the Illusion series because they are not SEGA characters. I mean, if you remove all of SEGA's Disney games for their library when comparing platformers to the Super Nintendo the console looks pretty weak, but with them I personally believe (with of course Sonic, Shinobi, Ristar and the like) the Genesis/Mega Drive just crushes it.

Personally if I was a higher-up there I would be re-releasing these games with new characters. I know people would react poorly to that initially, but I think (even though I do not like him too much) characters like Alex Kidd would fit in some of these games. I know I would purchase almost all of them again... Not Fantasia though.

Why not?

I have been trying to cut back on game purchases lately, and $60 games that are around 7 hours in length are extremely, extremely low on my list.

Offline Barry the Nomad

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In the early '90's, 75% of my Genesis games were Disney titles. I was a bit embarrassed when my friends came over and saw all these Mickey Mouse games (I was under the impression that real boys only owned Madden and Mortal Kombat). But now, knowing the history and developers behind those games, I totally get why I loved stuff like Aladdin, Quack Shot and the Illusion games. Had I known they were SEGA developed, I would have felt a bit better about showing my games off to my friends.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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I've beaten the first boss of the game and I am now at Chapter 6. Thus far, it has been extremely fun! The basic combat is similar to Arkham Asylum but there are so many more things you can do that make it even more engaging like the "crippling strikes" and "weaponizing" abilities. That mixed with the various moves you can do with the shield just make the combat so much fun to play! I'm very eager to play more.
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Offline Shigs

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Just picked up the PS3 version. The combat gameplay is excellent and very similar to Arkham Asylum. So far, so good.

On the graphics, while the models are suberb, for some reason, the lips are really fat and the talking doesn't always match to the lip movement. Also, while I'm in the plane, I can look out the window and notice that the plane isn't really moving. The mountain backgrounds are not moving forward. Odd.

EDIT: I am LOVING this game! Yea, it steal heavily from Arkham Asylum, but it steals all the good parts and uses them well. Could be the best Marvel movie games since Spider-Man 2.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 01:46:18 am by Shigs »
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Offline CosmicCastaway

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I have now beaten the second boss (which was a great fight) and the game is still loads of fun. I'm loving the enemy variety in this game as well. In the one of the last sections I played through you fought some enemies with telekinetic abilities. Weaponizing those guys was so satisfying! 
Unlimited Continues:

For this edition of Unlimited Continues I share five of my favorite video game ninjas, three of which are SEGA characters!

Offline Ben

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No it isn't, Masterpieces is the correct word because that's exactly what they are. There has not been a single Disney game since that era that can get close to the Illusion series and the Donald duck games not to mention the collaboration between Sega and Virgin with Aladdin.

I'd agree that the Castle of Illusion/World of Illusion games can be considered masterpieces (especially World, IMO) but games like Jurassic Park and Lion King and Animaniacs I'd more say were great games. But that's just my opinion. Masterpiece is an awfully big word, at least, on my scale.


I am sure Aliens: Colonial Marines and the other DS game will be fantastic as well.

Aliens is a bit of a different story since it's not coming out to tie in with a specific release (like an Aliens movie) but rather its own game which has spent many years in development. Sega's other published licensed games don't often have that luxury.

sorry if I came off a little overly defensive.

Sorry if I came off as overly....offensive. :]

As of late these are not even developed by SEGA usually so they should not be getting the blunt of the punishment.

Eh. I think Sega should be a bit more discerning about the games they put their name on, whether they developed them in-house or not. A publisher is a brand-name, and releasing bad games weakens, not strengthens, the brand name.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2011, 02:12:17 pm by -nSega54- »

Offline ROJM

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I'd agree that the Castle of Illusion/World of Illusion games can be considered masterpieces (especially World, IMO) but games like Jurassic Park and Lion King and Animaniacs I'd more say were great games. But that's just my opinion. Masterpiece is an awfully big word, at least, on my scale.

I never said JURASSIC PARK arcade was a masterpeice. I specifically mentioned Sega's disney titles, the disney games i mentioned as being masterpeices. The other games i then went on to mention was to showcase that Sega at that period was producing a lot of good to great licensed games. BTW Animanics and Lion kong weren't made or published by Sega.

Aliens is a bit of a different story since it's not coming out to tie in with a specific release (like an Aliens movie) but rather its own game which has spent many years in development. Sega's other published licensed games don't often have that luxury.

Good point but this is a point that's moot. JURASSIC PARK ARCADE and ALIEN 3 THE GUN weren't based entirely on their respective films either. JPA game story is set a few months after the events of the first movie,A3 was a sidestory to the film. It is possible to make a good game to tie in with the film, it just depends on the developer. Just because the current franchise of ALIEN games ins't tying in with anything does not automatically equal that the game will be good because of it. I think its down to the mentality to todays developers compared to the ones back in the genesis era. Today's developers keep making banal excuses on why they can't make a good game based on a movie and that's exactly what it is BANAL. Looking at SegaxMarvel deal so far weve had two games based on the actual movies while three titles that aren't. And what do we have? IRON MAN, wasted potential weak title. HULK better than IM but marginally decent. While THOR and IM2 are weak crap games. Thor DS and Cap are moderatly good. Why? Because the developers of the last two bothered to make a decent game. It has nothing to do whether the game ties in or uses the plot of whatever it was based on, if the developers are talentless hacks then that's what the game is going to end up as. ALIENS and THOR DS ended or may end up being good games because the developer behind those games have a decent pedigree.

Eh. I think Sega should be a bit more discerning about the games they put their name on, whether they developed them in-house or not. A publisher is a brand-name, and releasing bad games weakens, not strengthens, the brand name.
Again that's more to do with who was in charge of Sega of america at the time and that was Simon jeffery.He's gone but they still have to deal with whatever he signed up with in order to make any profit. Hayes has canned most of the games he comissoned anyway its only the Marvel deal that was left with Avengers.


Offline Ben

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never said JURASSIC PARK arcade was a masterpeice. I specifically mentioned Sega's disney titles, the disney games i mentioned as being masterpeices. The other games i then went on to mention was to showcase that Sega at that period was producing a lot of good to great licensed games. BTW Animanics and Lion kong weren't made or published by Sega.

Licensed games in general were of better quality back then.

I never played Jurassic Park Arcade, just whichever one was on Genesis.

Thor DS and Cap are moderatly good. Why? Because the developers of the last two bothered to make a decent game.

It's easier to make a DS game in a shorter period of time than a console game. It's much less demanding visually and scale-wise.

And no offense dude but even these "good" games you mention have gotten mixed reviews, at best, from critics. Thor DS is averaging a 64 and Captain America in the 50s. forums is the only place where anybody is praising these games....

Generally licensed games aren't great and you can be spending your money elsewhere. Those that are truly excellent (War for Cybertron, Chronicles of Riddick) never seem to come from Sega. And I don't see why you'd blame Simon Jeffrey, he's been gone for a long time, his ghost isn't still haunting these developers and forcing their games to be bad. Mike Hayes is the one in charge and yes Iron Man 2 was made under his watch.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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This was such an awesome boss fight. Loved it!   :D

I think I'm approaching the end and the game just keeps getting more and more fun. The environments of this game are quite nice looking. There have been a couple of times I've been outdoors and the mountains and forestation are quite beautiful. 
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 01:45:49 pm by CosmicCastaway »
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Offline Team Andromeda

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Licensed games in general were of better quality back then.

I never played Jurassic Park Arcade, just whichever one was on Genesis.

Not really there were plenty of dreadful licensed Mega Drive and Snes games (just play the likes of Judge Dread) that were 10 a penny back in the 16 bit days  . Jurassic Park : The Lost World is to this very day the best light gun game I have ever played , and I must say the Mega CD version of Jurassic Park is an overlooked and underrated classic,  and is imo a masterpiece.

Those that are truly excellent (War for Cybertron, Chronicles of Riddick) never seem to come from Sega.

The worst part of War of Cybertron is it's made by SAMMY's ex USA studio , maybe it would have better to keep them instead of buying Secret Level , but I quite like the Iron man games in truth
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but I quite like the Iron man games in truth

You're one of the few.

Offline ROJM

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Licensed games in general were of better quality back then.

Someone already dealt with that answer, but I'll throw in BATMAN RETURNS being a very average game from Sega and TAILSPIN was crap as well as FANTASIA as you have already mentioned.

I never played Jurassic Park Arcade, just whichever one was on Genesis.
RAMPAGE EDITION was alright i suppose.

It's easier to make a DS game in a shorter period of time than a console game. It's much less demanding visually and scale-wise.

Again that doesn't make for a good game does it? There's plenty of DS games that are crap that had the same dev cycle and other stuff you described. It all depends whether the developer knows what they're doing and the game idea/design/mechanics were good enough in the first place.


And no offense dude but even these "good" games you mention have gotten mixed reviews, at best, from critics. Thor DS is averaging a 64 and Captain America in the 50s. forums is the only place where anybody is praising these games....

Not really, many of the comic book forums are praising Cap and believe you me that is saying something considering that they've been screaming after Sega's guts for ruining their favourite marvel characters.And no offense dude, but compared to the other Marvel movie tie in games from Sega that has been recently released, Cap and THOR DS are good if not better. Anyone that's actually played them can testify to that.


Generally licensed games aren't great and you can be spending your money elsewhere. Those that are truly excellent (War for Cybertron, Chronicles of Riddick) never seem to come from Sega. And I don't see why you'd blame Simon Jeffrey, he's been gone for a long time, his ghost isn't still haunting these developers and forcing their games to be bad. Mike Hayes is the one in charge and yes Iron Man 2 was made under his watch.

The game was commisoned under Jeffery, ALL the Marvel games were, it takes at least two years dev cycle for any of the games to be ready.IRON MAN 2 was already ready by the time Hayes took over and THOR and the other titles were more likely halfway into their respective cycle. So yes i can blame Jeffery.Considering IM2 was released in 2010 and the other two in 2011 I very much doubt Hayes had any control of where the game was heading because the marvel deal is important to Sega. He wasn't going to suddenly cancel the titles especially when there wasn't a suitable backup. Anyway we all know what he did when he took over Sega of america, he closed down Secret level and basically turned Sega of America in to a digital download distrubutor.
There are good licensed games from Sega its just you obviously haven't played them, if you had you wouldn't be generalising about Sega doing crap licenses when it was one division of Sega responsible for the turd of games that happened to be based on licensed titles. As for the other titles I mentioned RAMBO and the rest, also TRANSFORMERS THE SHOOTING was a good LG game from Sega but of course it wasn't released outside of Japan.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 05:25:45 am by ROJM »

Offline max_cady

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I don't have much to say that -nSega54- hasn't already said it.

It's hard to accuse a video games studios for picking up a license for the next biggest film or hot TV property for a profit driven motif, because everybody does it. Namco-Bandai's meal ticket is focused more on Ben 10 and Dragon Ball games. I don't even want to get into Warner Brothers and Activision's perpetual rape of the X-men, Transformers and Spiderman franchises. EA and Disney can sometimes chuck a clunker(like the horrible GI Joe game tie-in).

It's pointless to argue that company X is worse than Y due to a bad movie and TV show game tie-in, though it is noticiable that Sega tends to get dogpilled more often other game studios that also produce roughly the same garbage, a slap on the wrist is the worst case scenario.

Indie comic book companies also depend on those names to atract attention.

I'm impressed that Sega managed to get these 4 major Marvel characters and since then, Caps was always going to be that one title that I wanted to get, when announced.

Some titles were understandable, such as Golden Compass, it was meant to be the next big fantasy series, that was until it bombed hard. The most puzzling was the Planet 51 movie. An animated movie that was already kinda being buried because it was going to be a bad movie and bomb anyway.

The Aliens, AVP and Bleach meal-tickets seem to have been a far more consistent affair.

I assume that after Caps is out, Sega's deal wil likely expire, unless an Iron Man 3 game tie-in will still be in the cards.

Offline CosmicCastaway

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After finishing the game I can now say the Captain America: Super Soldier is among my favorite superhero games as well as one of my favorite games of this year. The super fun gameplay, good music, story and some pretty visuals made it an excellent experience for me and I'm so glad I decided to buy it. :)

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The worst part of War of Cybertron is it's made by SAMMY's ex USA studio , maybe it would have better to keep them instead of buying Secret Level , but I quite like the Iron man games in truth

True, and moreover after the merger, SEGA was also found to own DIMPS to which both companies, SEGA and Sammy, had a share already before, except then sell a quota, which did not allow more the studio to be a subsidiary of the group, since then so DIMPS work with SEGA only on the SONIC franchise.

A situation that I think, not many were aware(myself included), I "discovered" browsing through the financial reports of this year, and that does not inspire me any good, is that until last fiscal year SS enumerated among the companies controlled........PLATINUMGAMES, while now the report says that is no longer so motivating this with the fact that the holding has removed interests from the company.