Wow, do people in this day and age still e-mail support to ask these kind of questions?
It is absolute foolhardy for whoever that poster is getting up in arms over that. Why are you emailing customer support? Are you a customer? Do you need help with one of their products? If you answer no to both question then why are you emailing customer support? This is not what customer support is for and shows the person has very little understanding in the whole matter. You are meant to either contact the PR OR better yet, legal department of a company, customer support employees are not trained to answer this question. Seeing people say they lose respect from SEGA or say they will never buy a SEGA product is mostly rich though, like they had very little interest in SEGA post Mega Drive.
So not sure if that is a thing SEGA is doing "Wrong" that being said, with the exception of that Streets of Rage fangame, SEGA allows dozens of fangames of their star IP and many more of other series, I am sure the people posting that article or ripping into SEGA has very little knowledge of that.
But hey, do not let facts get in the way of getting angry.