I'm saying I hate Billy Hatcher
Don't play as him.
and Sonic's Buddies
You honestly expected Sega to exclude Tails, Knuckles and Amy? WHat would a Sonic racing game be without Sonic's most popular pals? The only valid complaints are Shadow (but he has a huge fanbase) and Big (but he is much more inspired a choice than Silver, Blaze, Marine or Cream).
You are missing my point. I know I don't have to play with people I don't like, so that leaves me with about 3 characters I would actually like. And my point this whole time has been, why did they choose such bad characters? Does Billy Hatcher honestly warrant a position over... anyone else in Sega's history?
Why are there so many Sonic characters, it's clear that the kiddies would buy the game the minute they see Sonic on the cover, they could have just had 3 or 4 and represented some other characters/games with the rest, but they didn't.
and I can't understand why they based 9 levels (or whatever the number is) on Sonic Heroes
Play the tracks before you complain. They are very well designed and (saying this again) are not purely based on Heroes
and had so few IPs represented in the track selection
Again, play the tracks before complaining. Once you see how much variety there actually is within each IP you'll see why Sumo would never have had the dev time to create 24 tracks representing 24 IPs. Hell, imagine the work involved in making tracks that span a number of Sonic IPs and then having to also design JSRF, Monkeyball, HOTD, Hatcher, Samba de Amigo and fan requests.
Oh, and DLC to come.
I never said the tracks were bad, I said that the selection was rubbish.
Is it really much easier to make a 9 Sonic Heroes Tracks than tracks based on other franchises/games? Is the Casino track really that similar to the Seaside track? No, they had to go all out and make something brand new, so why not do something from a game that wasn't universally tolerated at best and hated at worst?
Why base Four tracks on a Rails Shooter game, when iconic Sega tracks like 777 Speedway are pre-made and ignored? Why make FOUR monkey ball tracks when one is based on Sky Pirates, and could have been made into a SKies of Arcadia Track or something?
I don't buy that it's easier to make multiple tracks from the same game, when sometimes those tracks are radically different anyway, why not base it on different franchises?
I also think it's great that when some other company does DLC, people (not you in particular) get up in arms about them nickel and diming their customers, but when this game has a horrible roster and they might charge us extra for
good characters it's something to look forward to.
AND I especially think it's bizzare that there are FIVE sonic Rush songs when there are no Sonic 1-Knuckles songs at all.
Opinion of the Rush soundtrack is widely positive and their pace makes for great racing tunes. It's like you're associating Rush gameplay with Rush music. Do you really hate Rush's music? Or are you just a hater of the game?
Don't like the music? The 360 has custom soundtracks. Also, Hideki Naganuma.
I shouldn't have to use custom soundtracks to make the game more enjoyable, especially when Sega has so many amazing songs in their back-catalogue to choose from. Again, it's just an incredibly strange choice, and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea.
I don't hate the Rush games, and the music might fit, but surely you can see how strange it is that they chose FIVE Rush songs, and NO songs from the orginal games (you know, the ones that are universally loved, sold tons, and have some of the most memorable tunes in Video games?).