Another big confession:
I never really cared for any of the Ecco The Dolphin games and I am terrified of the sharks in Defender of The Future.
glad u started about that
well u need to orientate there big time plus the enemies arent that easy always. u need to find out which fish is poisoned and which not. this game is an advanced game which is requiring the intelect of the brain in a way that is not described in the book.
u may be a grammar gangsta
well that wont help u
u may be a mathematical geek
that wont help u orientate
this game is underwater im talking only about the dc version
and u need to adapt the whole idea of being a dolphin underwater and u are forced to learn ur way trough and not getting lost. yes the sharks are scary and they will always be.
but dude when u come really far ull understand.
there is always that pressure that u need air once in a while
i wont take u for crackdandy which is basically an asslicker of barry the nomad sorry to say im not good in hiding my feelings. barry never asked for an asslicker that tries to lick the anus so hard that he basically wants to be a moderator like barry
but crackdude would mostlikely fit more in the title moderetard
this game is hard. but when u beat it. then beat me
its a good game for sure and u should reconsider playing it