Because perhaps there was a group who were only bothered with Nintendo consoles.
Hmm...chances seem pretty slim. What type of Japanese gamer would you have to be to own ONLY a Wii last gen? Probably not one who would ever buy a Yakuza game....I could have told Sega that. Had this title come out on the Wii U at the same time as the PS3 version, I think it could have done better. But how well do you expect a recent "port-of-a-port" to do?
Perhaps Nintendo wanted to convince SEGA there was a market for Yakuza on the platform, why else would they use a large amount of their direct dedicated to it. They both have their answer
If Nintendo really had a hand in this, then it was a dumb decision on their part. To really have made waves, the new Edo Yakuza game should have come to Wii U.
It stands to reason to believe Yakuza 3 and 4 will continue to sell for a long time still.
Hmm. Interesting. Though I don't think there's much of a hope of it hitting Yakuza 1/2 numbers.
And the Yakuza series is the 8th, 9th, 12th and 19th best selling titles on the Playstation 3 without including the sales of the re-release versions. By all means, believing there was a convergence between Playstation 3 and Wii U users is a valid reason, as well as there being little demand for Yakuza on the Wii U, but do not pretend for one second it is not a major franchise in Japan.
Final Fantasy games and Dragon Quest games sell millions.
Their ports don't always even do well.....the audience of ports is fairly limited. Yakuza is a popular Japanese franchise but my point is that it's not one where a port of 2 old games is guaranteed to be a huge success.
Selling in the region of 100,000+ is considered solid.
Considering the fact that Yakuza 4 essentially only "broke even" at the 500,000 mark, (IIRC) I'm not sure how you could even consider labeling a 100,000+ seller on an HD system as "solid."
"There is either; no interest from that said fanbase, that those interested in it already own a Playstation along with their Wii U, or a combination of both"
Ah, I see.
What I said was;
Some people seem to be implying that "Wii U owners" never play games on other systems....I mean, lol, I own a Wii U.
By "some people" I wasn't referring specifically to you.....didn't mean for you to take it as such.
No, it should not. They priority should be to make sure they are a profitable business. Good public relations with a minority does not make a successful business.
For a publisher like Sega, profits come from a dedicated fanbase buying their games. The Total War fanbase is certainly happy with the franchise (and Sega, presumably) and that has been a consistently profitable business for them. That is a dedicated fanbase.
Other aspects of Sega has lost this dedicated fanbase over the years and I'd definitely argue that their games' sales have suffered as a result. Capcom is learning that very same thing; it used to be that many Capcom games were guaranteed at least a certain degree of success by their very name alone. No longer the case. Having a dedicated and happy core fanbase, especially for smaller, more niche publishers, is crucial, IMO, to their continued success.
I know it's brought up continually, but a company like Atlus, like Sega, doesn't always have the money to spend big dollars on marketing. But Atlus' fanbase is almost like its own community, and they reliably buy their games regardless.