I remember Aliens:CM and the Aliens RPG being announced pretty much on the same day. This was somwhere around 2007 when SEGA got the rights to the Aliens franchise.
And there were already problems brewing with Gearbox, very early on. Randy Pitchford was bitchin' about SEGA announcing the game way before they started proper production.
Something must've gone horribly wrong because SEGA acquired the rights to both Aliens and the AVP universe and decided to get AvP out as soon as possible and the fact that they had announced this Aliens game even before Aliens: CM was pretty much a subtle giveaway that SEGA didn't have any confidence in that project.
Having said that, so far SEGA's is promoting the Aliens: Isolation game the right way. Also, one very important detail: Why did nobody ever think of this before?
For years, we've had nothing but Aliens game that were action shooters, even the early Genesis games, for cryin' out loud!
Again, how come nobody ever though of this? And frankly I like it.
You are terribly underpowered, you have to find ways to outsmart your foe and use tools in your enviroment to get around those hurdles. It's the perfect concept for an Aliens game!